Whose Worship is Idol Worship?

Whose Worship is Idol Worship?

Some hesitate to join the Ratha-yatra parade, remembering God commands, “Thou shalt not worship a graven image.” What about this? Are the Hare Krishna people really idol worshipers?

In Denver, Colorado, and around the world…

In Denver, Colorado, and around the world…

Many of the spiritual seekers who come to Denver don’t really know what they’re looking for. They may sense that material happiness isn’t enough for them, and they may be looking for spiritual life, but they have only a vague idea of what that spiritual life might be.



Literature Distribution More Than Doubles In One Year, Srila Prabhupada’s World Tour

In Mexico City and Around the World

In Mexico City and Around the World

A few blocks from the house of Mexico’s president lies the Mexico City Hare Krishna Temple, one of the many centers of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness that have appeared in Latin America in recent years.

In San Juan, Puerto Rico and Around the World

In San Juan, Puerto Rico and Around the World

In New York the airlines advertise, “Enjoy peaceful Puerto Rico.” And in Puerto Rico they say, “Find satisfaction in New York.” But, really, going from one place to another in this material world won’t help us find the peace we want.



Gurukula, a school for children ages five to fifteen, was founded by ISKCON in 1971. It is the only school teaching one how to be eternal, blissful and full of knowledge.

Sri Damodarastakam

Sri Damodarastakam

O Lord Damodara, Mother Yasoda bound You to a grinding stone with a rope. You then freed the sons of Kuvera, Manigriva and Nalakuvara, and You gave them the chance to become Your devotees.

The Los Angeles Hare Krishna Community

The Los Angeles Hare Krishna Community

In Los Angeles, California, a community of three hundred Hare Krishna devotees live in a suburban neighborhood sometimes called the Hare Krishna quarter, which includes a dozen offices, four apartment buildings, a book warehouse, a stately temple and a large factory.

The Arrival of a Pure Devotee

At JFK International Airport, as more than one hundred disciples royally greeted him and curious reporters thronged around him, Srila Prabhupada explained, in clear language and with fixed conviction, the Krishna conscious philosophy of a God-centered society in which “everything animate and inanimate is recognized to be controlled and owned by the Lord.”