A Fish Out of Water

Fish lived a very ordinary life beneath the waves of the Ocean. But one day he noticed on the beach there were finless creatures having fun. So he rode in on a wave and hopped up on the sundrenched sand.
Fish lived a very ordinary life beneath the waves of the Ocean. But one day he noticed on the beach there were finless creatures having fun. So he rode in on a wave and hopped up on the sundrenched sand.
As a sleeping person acts according to the body manifested in his and accepts it to be himself, so one identifies with his present body, which he acquired because of his past religious or irreligious actions, and is unable to know his past or future lives.
Why is that woman blithely dusting the birdcage when it’s the bird itself, obviously sick or hungry, that urgently needs attention? She seems so caught up in polishing her golden cage that she’s forgotten all about the poor creature.
The pure consciousness, the soul, does not need to have a material body. For instance, when you are dreaming, you forget your present body, but still you remain conscious.
Whoever you are, your body is changing. You once had the body of a child. Now you have the body of a young person or old person. The change is gradual, yet continuous.
Last night you had some dream, but now it has no value. It is gone. And again, tonight when you sleep, you’ll forget all these things and dream. You won’t remember, when you are dreaming tonight, “I’ve got my house; I’ve got my wife.” You’ll forget it all. So all of this is a dream.
Attacked incessantly for one hundred years the five-hooded serpent began to lose his strength and Puranjana became extremely anxious. One may struggle against time for one hundred years, but eventually one’s vitality weakens, and one’s bodily limbs become feeble.
As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.
Time noted recently, “surgery offices were under siege by callers who had seen the results of a notable example of cosmetic surgery, evident in before-and-after pictures of the former First Lady in the Sunday newspapers.
Our material body is a lot like a chariot. It has five horses (the senses of hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell). Each of us is a spiritual soul riding within-we are the passenger. And to keep the horses on course, we have the reins (our mind) and the driver (our intelligence).
If you had known Mr. Griesser in 1920 and then were to see him again today, after a lapse of fifty-eight years, you probably wouldn’t recognize him.
I can see my body, and in a way I can see my mind and intelligence. Now then, what about the “I” who’s doing all this seeing? Can I see the “I”? by Amogha Dasa As we all know, the organ for seeing is the eye. The eye catches the light rays reflected by whatever […]
“What is that force without which a living body becomes a dead body? That’s the one thing the experts can’t quite put their finger on.” by Mandalesvara dasa What is life? … A child is born. You can see his natural luster, feel the warmth of his body, hear his crying. All his vital functions […]
The wheel of reincarnation carries the soul on its journey through 8,400,000 species of life. At the top of the wheel is human life, which, if spent wisely, can liberate the soul from the bondage of birth and death.
For the anti-material particle, which is the vital force, there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does it ever cease to be. It is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. When the material body is annihilated, the anti-material particle is never affected.
Is there a higher enjoyment beyond the relative pleasures and pains of material life? His Holiness Revatinandana Svami describes how to achieve the realm of transcendental consciousness, where pleasure is ever increasing
It is by intelligence that I can understand that this body is not me. I may say, “My hand, my head, my arm,” but the use of the possessive pronoun indicates that these are my possessions and that I am situated apart from them.
Human life is meant for cultivating transcendental knowledge. By the process of evolution we have passed through so many kinds of bodies and have now come to this human form. Now is our opportunity to get out of the cycle of birth and death. This is our real goal of life.
From the highest planet in the material world, down to the lowest, all are places of misery, where repeated birth and death take place.
Why is the attraction between male and female so powerful? What is the essence of this attraction? And why does the Vedic literature call it illusion?