Godless Creation: A Dangerous Theory

The atheists say the universe is without the Supreme cause, it is false and Godless. It was created by sex appetite or the creative force in man and woman. Except this what else there is the cause of creation?
The atheists say the universe is without the Supreme cause, it is false and Godless. It was created by sex appetite or the creative force in man and woman. Except this what else there is the cause of creation?
It is a scientific fact. Our science is perfect, because we are receiving knowledge from the perfect source, Krsna. And modern so-called science is imperfect, because the scientists’ knowledge is received from imperfect sources.
There is not only an infinite number of habitable planets within the universe but there is also an infinite number of universes. And these universes are floating on and are produced of the Brahman effulgence emanating from the transcendental body of Govinda, Lord Sri Krishna.
The desire to go to other planets which has now become prominent is natural because the living being has the right to go to any part of the material or spiritual skies, full as they are with unlimited globes of varied qualities. One can best fulfill his desire by the process of Yoga.
The computer police bring you before the android judge, who announces that his sibling system couldn’t possibly be wrong and threatens to implant a few microchips in your brain for even suggesting such a thing. Such errors, he says, went out with Univac.
“Our idea of God is a product of history.” “Everyone now knows that the cosmology that is presupposed by the language of Christian utterance is quite unrelated to any empirical reality.” And: “The God of Judeo-Christianity is, in all His aspects … anthropomorphic.”
There was once a community of frogs living in a well. They knew nothing of the outside world. Then one day a young frog leapt out of the well. He came to the beach and saw the ocean, he was astonished and he rushed back to the well to report his discovery.
Evolution, according to the Vedas, is the process of the gradual development of consciousness from body to body, until the civilized human form is reached.
A young reader of Back to Godhead expresses his realizations. by Christopher Stewart What is the purpose of living? Why are we here, and what should we do with our lives? These questions often plague the minds of youth. In America, where materialism is especially widespread, alienation from purposeful living is quite frequent. As a […]
Transcendental Commentary on the Issues of the Day An Eye For A Nose by Sita-devi dasi “What if scientists could distinguish scents with their eyes?” queries a recent report in one popular magazine. Researchers, the article goes on to explain, are trying to do just that. By using electrical and chemical sensors that mimick the […]
Prove that chemicals make life. Your belief is that life is made from chemicals. So prove it; then it is science. But you cannot prove it; therefore it remains a belief.
The most advanced spacecraft ever built, the orbiter Columbia, rose from the launching pad at Cape Canaveral last April 12 and propelled the United States back into the space race.
The prevailing view among modern scientists is that a human being is in essence a complex machine. According to this view, our life and consciousness have their source in the interactions of our bodily parts—neurons in the brain, organelles in the cells, and so on.
Modern mechanistic science rests on the premise that reality is ultimately reducible to a simple set of mathematical equations. Such a view fails to account for two important aspects of reality: consciousness, and complex biological form.
Science conceives the brain to be the seat of all mental functions. According to Bhagavad-gita, however, the mind has an additional component (known in Sanskrit as manah, or “material mind”) that is distinct from both the brain and the conscious self.
Since behind the logic of artificial intelligence there must be a programmer, a director, what is the sense in saying that behind the logic of natural intelligence there is no purpose, no director? That is our challenge.
Philosophies based on mundane sense perceptions lead us to believe that God must be remote and inaccessible – if He exists at all.
“Probability is the most important concept in modern science, especially as nobody has the slightest idea what it means.”—Bertrand Russell
“All reputable evolutionary biologists now agree that the evolution of life is directed by the process of natural selection, and by nothing else.” With these words Sir Julian Huxley summed up the consensus of learned opinion at the Darwin Centennial Celebration in 1959.
Science fiction writers often try to solve the problems of old age and death by taking advantage of the idea that a human being is essentially a complex machine.