Kentucky Fried Chickpeas

Kentucky Fried Chickpeas

Chickpeas are a good source of protein and iron, as well as fiber, vitamins A and b6, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, and potassium. But the best thing about the chickpea is that we can offer it to Krsna.

The Savory Samosa

The Savory Samosa

The first thing you’ll notice is its wonderfully tender, thin pastry crust, golden-brown from deep-frying. Inside are peas, potatoes, or small chunks of cauliflower, seasoned not too little so that the samosa’s bland, and not too much so that it’s hot, but just enough to delight the palate.

The Holy Cow And Her Wholesome Milk

The Holy Cow And Her Wholesome Milk

Krsna would steal yogurt and butter from the gopis. Then He would run off to enjoy His booty and share it with the monkeys from the nearby forest. When the gopis caught Krsna, He’d feign innocence and say, “Why do you call Me a thief? Do you think butter is scarce in My house?”

Nut-and-Raisin Halava

Nut-and-Raisin Halava

Preparing and eating these foods for our own pleasure is not the same as preparing and offering them to Lord Krsna for His pleasure, because food that’s material when unconnected with the Lord becomes transcendental when offered to Him.

Spiritual Fasting

Spiritual Fasting

Fasting for some political purpose my help us reach some political goal. But the Vedic teachings direct us beyond such goals. Fasting, say the Vedic scriptures, is meant to help us control the mind and senses so we can advance in spiritual realization; it’s not for any other purpose.

The Best Health Food

The Best Health Food

By whom are you being taught what is healthy and what is not healthy? What is you authority? Actually this ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ is a material consideration. We are simply interested in what Krishna wants. So we offer Him whatever He wants to eat.

Healthy Vegetarian Food

Healthy Vegetarian Food

The typical Vedic lunch consists of capatis (unleavened whole-wheat breads) rice, dal (bean soup), cooked vegetables, and salad. “The best health insurance of all seems to be a well-chosen vegetarian diet from varied sources and a life free of junk foods,”

The Karma Free Diet

The Karma Free Diet

The Sanskrit word karma means “action” or, more specifically, any material action that gives us a material reaction and thus binds us to the material world. So a karma-free diet is one that produces no material reaction; it’s a sinless diet.

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