Love is Man’s Link to God

Love for Krishna is dormant within each of us, but because we have no conscious love for Him we are frustrated in various objects of love, and, therefore, in the material world, love is 99.9% frustration simply because the love isn’t in the right place.

Encounter at Kuruksetra

Encounter at Kuruksetra

In the midst of the great battle, surrounded by the clash of arms, where the dust churned up by the horses dimmed the sun and blood turned the earth to mud, Krsna suddenly stopped the chariot and sprang to the ground.

The Saga of Lord Rama

ISKCON Television shot a video of Lord Rama’s pastimes. Under the direction of Nrsimhananda dasa ITV staged an all-devotee Ramayana at the Hare Krsna movement’s New Vrindaban farm community in West Virginia.

Two Faces of Krsna

“Time I am, destroyer of worlds.” These were Lord Krsna’s words to His personal friend and devotee Arjuna, who had been filled with awe upon seeing the Lord’s visva-rupa, His all-powerful universal form.

The Meeting of Radha and Krsna

The Meeting of Radha and Krsna

The spiritual love epitomized in the meeting of Radha and Krishna resembles the attraction between a young man and a young woman, it is generally misunderstood by those who try to fathom it without reference to the Vedic sastra or revealed scriptures.

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