Each and every letter of the Vedanta Philosophy is a symbolic representation of transcendental sound represented by the symbol of ‘Omkar’ and as such Vedanta Philosophy has to be learnt from one authority like Shri Krishna, the Godhead.
Every living being is ambitious to have the topmost level of enjoyment in the material world and yet he is always unhappy here. This unhappiness is present in all the above mentioned planets in spite of long life and standard of comfort.
Persons who seek happiness in the chain of hope against hope by sense gratification try to accumulate wealth by unlawful means. Everything is accumulated unlawfully because everything that we have all belongs to the Supreme Lord.
Modern scientists say there is no brain behind the creation. How foolish they are. If we see a painting, we would not say, “There is no brain behind this artistic work. It is so wonderfully painted, yet it has been created automatically. There is no artist.”
One who desires to go back to one’s eternal home and back to Godhead may adopt the following recognised and authoritative devotional activities in order to train oneself to be eligible to enter into the transcendental realm, the eternal kingdom of God.
The impure consciousness of nationalism has kept all the big heads of world nations always active for an adjustment of everyone’s national interest. They have now made a united nation’s security council and trying in vain to make a right adjustment.
Irresponsible people ask, Where is God? Can you show me? If for attaining a temporary false sense of liberty in this material world so much labour and sacrifice have to be requisitioned is it possible to see Godhead–The Absolute Truth so cheaply?
Allen Ginsberg has just flown in from Louisville, Kentucky and is concluding a long tour of college poetry readings before retiring to his upstate New York farm.
Where is that civilization? The mother is killing the child in the womb. Is that civilization? Where is their civilization? It is a less-than-doggish civilization.
The possessions of the Atheist are vanity, pride, false-sense, anger, rudeness and ignorance. Know it from Me that the Godly possessions are leading to liberation while the possessions of the atheist are leading to bondage.
Real devotional service begins when one understands, “Because God is so great, I should serve Him. Why am I uselessly rendering service to this world? Why not render service to God?” That stage is called dasyam, or servitude. That is the beginning of bhakti-yoga.
The Sanskrit word ‘Sadhu’ is translated into English by the word ‘mendicant’ and very rarely with another word ‘Sage’. But ‘Sadhu’ is differently meant in the revealed scriptures like Srimad Bhagwat Geeta or Srimad Bhagbatam.
Arjuna said, Oh Krishna, you have said about renunciation of works, and again you are putting in doubt about works without attachment. Please let me know certainly as to which of these two is better.
The Bhagavad-gita educates us about the self beyond the body. Whether Eastern or Western, black or white, male or female, the body is an external covering of the real self, the eternal spiritual soul.
It is not God’s plan that you suffer; you suffer because you violate God’s laws. He is controlling everything, but He has given you minute independence: you can either follow His laws or violate them.
The crissises that we are now confronted with, are all man made creations. It is mistake to adduce the responsibility of such undesired crissises to Almighty God. He does not create any one’s action good or bad nor does He induce any such entity to enjoy the results of such actions.
The Abode of Krishna is the land of touchstone, of which the houses are built, shaded by desire trees. The Lord is engaged there in herding the surabhi cows, and is always served and surrounded by thousands of Goddesses of Fortune, who wait upon Him with all respect.
The atheist says there is no God, no operator of this big universal machine. But has the atheist any experience of a machine working without an operator?
Because people have forgotten Krsna, the reservoir of pleasure, they’re trying to find pleasure in things other than Krsna. Therefore they are becoming frustrated. They do not know that unless they come to Krsna consciousness, they will find no real pleasure.