Lord Jagannath is especially liberal and accessible to the aspirant devotee of Godhead. As for the history of the Appearance of the merciful Lord Jagannath, our spiritual master, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, has often told the incident.
This is a book written in Hindi as the autobiography of Shri Nagarji. The most interesting part of the book is that one can enjoy in it the pleasure of reading a fiction or novel by reading this autobiography of a successful householder in fact.
Temple needs wood! . . . Temple needs wood!” As the call echoes across our snowcapped farm, four men and two boys hop on an ox-drawn sled and head into the forest.
The Supreme Truth is beyond the power of the material senses to see or to know. So what spiritual understanding can we expect to arrive at by ourselves?
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada arrived at New Vrindaban, West Virginia on the morning of May 21st, 1969. It was his first visit to the mountain ashram, which is the first community in the West dedicated to Krishna conscious living.
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness was formed in 1966 by Prabhupada A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, who came from India on the order of his Spiritual Master to preach love of God to the people of the West.
I was born and brought up in a Vaisnava family. From my early childhood, I had the privilege to learn about Krsna and worship Him. So when I came to this country, I was very much disturbed and disgusted with the Western concept of God as a bush of fire.
The two-story marble memorial, complete with ornate balconies and winding staircases and featuring photo and sculpture exhibits, stands adjacent to the Krishna-Balaram temple.
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) was formed in 1966 by Prabhupada A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, who came from India on the order of his Spiritual Master to preach love of God to the people of the West.
This process is especially recommended for self-realization in this age. By performance of Samkirtan, one can achieve the perfection of human life, and the process is so simple that anyone can take it up without qualification.
In this Age of Kali spiritual life is difficult. Handicapped by short life span, poor memory, and political turmoil, few if any can take up the path of self-realization by means of meditative yoga, temple worship or study of the Vedas.
ISKCON London 1969 in Photos. Kirtans at Albert Hall, St. Pancras Hall, Oxford, the “Middle Earth Round House” and the “Art Lab”, Interview with the BBC.
To effect successful result in the attempt of agricultural enthusiasm there are five causes namely the situation of the land, the man who works in the field, the instruments or implements applied in the enterprise and above all the hidden hand natural forces, known as Daiva.
After five years of patient effort and a heroic last-minute marathon, the devotees of the ISKCON center in Vancouver have completed building an ornate Vedic-style temple for their worshipable Deities, Sri Sri Radha-Madana-mohana.
The 170 million motor vehicles registered in the United States pump 80 million tons of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and hydrocarbons into the air annually.
In “The Vedic Observer” section of your October issue you say that since everything belongs to the Supreme Person, we’re thieves if we claim anything belongs to us. Does that mean that the house I’ve lived in for the past twenty-five years isn’t mine?
Accepting a wife is also considered renunciation, because the student is voluntarily sacrificing his tendency toward unrestricted sex life for a program of regulated restraint to develop his spiritual consciousness.