ISKCON News — Festivals of Krishna Consciousness

ISKCON News — Festivals of Krishna Consciousness

THE DEVOTEES of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness are preparing for a number of important upcoming festivals that are celebrated every year. These festivals are great transcendental opportunities because they afford one the chance to hear about, chant about and remember Krishna, in the association of pure devotees of Krishna.

ISKCON News October 1973

ISKCON News October 1973

THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS has recently opened centers in Birmingham, Alabama; Capetown, South Africa; Caracas, Venezuela; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Ottawa, Canada; Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Suva, Fiji; Stockholm, Sweden; and Geneva, Switzerland.

On the origin of life

On the origin of life

the Bhaktivedanta Institute members at the “Life Comes From Life” Conference in Vrindavan conclusively proved that life can’t possibly come from chemicals and that—as we see daily—life comes from life.

Krsna Celebrations Draw Thousands

Krsna Celebrations Draw Thousands

Recently, Western and Indian devotees came together at ISKCON centers worldwide to celebrate the day, some fifty centuries ago, when Lord Krsna made His appearance on earth.

Every Town and Village: Deprogramming smashed in courts

Every Town and Village: Deprogramming smashed in courts

ISKCON has defeated a highly publicized challenge to the authority and value of its spiritual teachings. On March 17, New York State Supreme Court Justice John J. Leahy threw out indictments charging two leaders of the Society’s New York chapter with “brainwashing.”

ISKCON Festival in Calcutta

ISKCON Festival in Calcutta

Three chariots carrying Jagannatha, Balarama, and Subhadra, along with five decorated dioramas depicting the Vedic heritage of Bengal, recently journeyed through this city as part of ISKCON’s annual Ratha-yatra festival.

Deprogramming ~ Deep Trouble

Deprogramming ~ Deep Trouble

Deprogramming groups have convinced police, judges, and district attorneys to bend the law. And deprogrammers have abducted not only Hare Krishna members but also Catholics and Protestants, among others.

Parents Proud of Krishna Movement

Parents Proud of Krishna Movement

“Do I think that my son is brainwashed? I can best answer this by asking the question, ‘Is our very society not being brainwashed daily by the advertising media (liquor and cigarette ads) and pornographic movies and literature’.”

Academic Conference on ISKCON

Academic Conference on ISKCON

Twenty-five top scholars from the United States, Canada, and Great Britain assembled here in mid-July for a major academic conference titled “Krsna Consciousness in the West: A Multi-Disciplinary Critique.”

A New look at Lord Krsna

A New look at Lord Krsna

Krsna is a name for God. It is a Sanskrit word that means “the all-attractive one.” In other words, God is the one who has created all the qualities that we think of as being attractive. He has all these qualities unlimitedly, so He is the all-attractive one.

The Vedic Observer

The Vedic Observer

Although Union Carbide has stopped manufacturing methyl isocyanate in Bhopal, Union Carbide and other companies continue to produce the deadly gas at five sites in the United States.

ISKCON Float Wins a Top Prize in Melbourne Parade

ISKCON Float Wins a Top Prize in Melbourne Parade

At the center of the float was a sculpture of two swans swimming on a pond, and on either side, wearing colorful Indian costumes, sat devotee women and children portraying the cowherd girlfriends (gopis) of Radha and Krsna.

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