Mexico Takes to Krishna Consciousness

Mexico Takes to Krishna Consciousness

I asked Haihaya whether the people of Mexico City were taking Krishna consciousness seriously. He replied, “Many of them come with beads and chant Hare Krishna just like full-time devotees. After they buy books, they always read them and ask for more. Also, many of them take to a vegetarian diet after hearing our philosophy.”

Matchless Gifts

Matchless Gifts

I attended the first meeting in the little storefront with two of my friends. I was surprised to see half a dozen people there. The storefront was narrow and squalid. There was no rug on the wooden floors and no decorations save one painting in the window of Lord Caitanya dancing with His disciples.

The Best of Both Worlds…

The Best of Both Worlds…

"Why have you come here?" they asked him. "Your America is so wealthy—why have you come here?" Yes, why had twenty-five-year-old Tracy Ladd adopted an ancient Indian life-style and ventured to the Southern Indian city of Hyderabad?

Vancouver Vedic Style ISKCON Temple

Vancouver Vedic Style ISKCON Temple

We faced so many difficulties, but gradually we saw how Krsna assembled a varied and competent crew to build this temple. “The devotees saw the project as a labor of love for glorifying the Supreme Lord and His pure devotee, Srila Prabhupada.

A Transcendental Invitation

A Transcendental Invitation

By chanting Hare Krsna, one will naturally come to dance in ecstasy, and after chanting and dancing one can rest and relish the taste of the many varieties of spiritual delicacies which are offered to Krsna.

KRSNA In The Land Of Mandarins (Hong Kong)

KRSNA In The Land Of Mandarins (Hong Kong)

Yes, Hong Kong ISKCON lives! Please find enclosed several photos of our activities here, just 25 miles from Red China. Things here are so amazing with just the two of us, Jagajjanani (my wife) and myself. Just today we have officially gotten our first temple here in Hong Kong.



The young children flock to the sound of the holy name and shout with clarity and volume, ‘Hare Krsna!’ The temple is packed on Sundays. Fijian girls dance joyfully to Hare Krsna. Krsna is so kind to us!

A New Krishna Spirit in San Diego

A New Krishna Spirit in San Diego

For San Diegans, Krsna consciousness has been a plate of the delicious spiritual vegetarian food served at the movement’s cultural festivals, nightly dinners, Sunday feasts, or two very popular Govinda’s natural foods restaurants.

Temple Worship

Temple Worship

Service of the Lord, especially in dressing and decorating the temple, accompanied by musical kirtana and spiritual instructions from the scriptures, can alone save the common man from the hellish cinema attractions and the rubbish sex-songs broadcast everywhere by radios.

What is a Temple?

What is a Temple?

By taking advantage of spiritual association, by hearing transcendental philosophy, and by worshiping the Deity in the temple, an ordinary person is more likely to remember the Lord’s all-pervasiveness in day-to-day life.

Lord Jagannath is Krishna Himself

Lord Jagannath is Krishna Himself

Lord Jagannath is especially liberal and accessible to the aspirant devotee of Godhead. As for the history of the Appearance of the merciful Lord Jagannath, our spiritual master, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, has often told the incident.

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