Bhaktivedanta Hilltop School Enrolls 425

Bhaktivedanta Hilltop School Enrolls 425

The Hare Krsna movement has opened a gurukula school that has won a warm response from local parents. More than 425 children have enrolled in Bhaktivedanta Hilltop School and are studying the usual academic subjects side by side with Krsna conscious philosophy.

ISKCON GBC Adds New Spiritual Masters…

ISKCON GBC Adds New Spiritual Masters…

This year the GBC gave their blessings to three of Prabhupada's closest disciples to begin accepting disciples. Second, the GBC gave the go-ahead for some two dozen seasoned preachers to enter the renounced order, sannyasa.

How was Man Made? — Letters

Modern scientists invent many theories about creation, but because material scientists are limited and defective in so many ways, none of their accounts are trustworthy.

Five New Books Published

Five New Books Published

If there’s one thing His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada taught his disciples, it was to publish as many books as possible on the science of Krsna consciousness and to distribute them profusely. It seems they’ve taken his instruction to heart.

Letter on Raja Yoga

I read in Back to Godhead that the practice of Raja Yoga is “unsuitable for the present age.” Well, it’s not. Just a little of the Raja Yoga practices can lead to advancement, as I can attest.

Letters on Back to Godhead Magazine

Your staff should be very proud of your achievements on this magazine. I salute you all for creating something worthwhile to read in this time of violence and madness. I also salute you for carrying on the work that Lord Chaitanya started centuries ago!

Govinda’s Restaurant in Tehran

Govinda’s Restaurant in Tehran

Through months of political turmoil, the devotees continued their distribution of sanctified food ‘prasadam’ and their work of propagating love of God according to the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita.

Prince Charles Charmed By Krsna Books

Prince Charles Charmed By Krsna Books

Between two recitals of Indian music and dance, the prince received two of the movement’s books from a Hare Krsna devotee. “Possibly he found them more interesting than the performance,” reported one Indian newspaper, “for he buried himself in the books.”

Hare Krishna—Now a Dictionary Word

Hare Krishna—Now a Dictionary Word

Hare Krishna is now a dictionary word: “Hare Krishna. A religious sect based on Vedic scriptures, whose followers engage in joyful congregational chanting of God’s name: founded in the U.S. in 1966.”

Letters on India

Once again, your latest edition of BACK TO GODHEAD was a smasher. I read it through with tear-filled eyes. Especially, the article “Impressions of India” was a most moving and accurate account of “Indian” attitudes toward life.

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