Bhaktivedanta Manor — ISKCON’s UK Headquaters

Bhaktivedanta Manor — ISKCON’s UK Headquaters

Bhaktivedanta Manor, European headquarters for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, is a model community that exemplifies the principle of plain living and high thinking. Krishna consciousness, or God consciousness, is the center of all activity at Bhaktivedanta Manor.

ISKCON News October 1973

ISKCON News October 1973

THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS has recently opened centers in Birmingham, Alabama; Capetown, South Africa; Caracas, Venezuela; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Ottawa, Canada; Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Suva, Fiji; Stockholm, Sweden; and Geneva, Switzerland.

Letter From Rotary International

On behalf of the members of the Rotary Club of Hyderabad and on my own personal behalf, I convey to Your Divine Grace, as well as to your international devotees who accompanied your good self, our thanks for having been so kind as to visit our club at the Ritz Hotel, when you graciously gave us all the benefit of listening to your highly spiritual program, including sankirtana and discourses.

Mexico Takes to Krishna Consciousness

Mexico Takes to Krishna Consciousness

I asked Haihaya whether the people of Mexico City were taking Krishna consciousness seriously. He replied, “Many of them come with beads and chant Hare Krishna just like full-time devotees. After they buy books, they always read them and ask for more. Also, many of them take to a vegetarian diet after hearing our philosophy.”

Training Tomorrow’s Leaders

Training Tomorrow’s Leaders

We all know that education is for training tomorrow’s leaders. But today’s schools are little more than training grounds for criminals. So where are we going to get tomorrow’s leaders? From among these students at ISKCON’s gurukula in Vrindavan.

On the origin of life

On the origin of life

the Bhaktivedanta Institute members at the “Life Comes From Life” Conference in Vrindavan conclusively proved that life can’t possibly come from chemicals and that—as we see daily—life comes from life.

Farming With Krishna in Mind

Farming With Krishna in Mind

“Human prosperity flourishes by natural gifts, and not by gigantic industrial enterprises, “says His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who has founded many Krishna-conscious farming communities all over the world. “The gigantic industrial enterprises are products of a godless civilization, and they cause the destruction of the noble aims of human life…. What we […]

Krsna Celebrations Draw Thousands

Krsna Celebrations Draw Thousands

Recently, Western and Indian devotees came together at ISKCON centers worldwide to celebrate the day, some fifty centuries ago, when Lord Krsna made His appearance on earth.