Training Tomorrow’s Leaders

Training Tomorrow’s Leaders

We all know that education is for training tomorrow’s leaders. But today’s schools are little more than training grounds for criminals. So where are we going to get tomorrow’s leaders? From among these students at ISKCON’s gurukula in Vrindavan.

Gurukula: A Higher Education

Gurukula: A Higher Education

I’ve known for a long time that public schools are having serious problems. But my research revealed a situation far more criticial than I had imagined. Most of the information I found painted a dismal picture.

Love of God by the Children

Love of God by the Children

The fortunate children born of Krsna conscious parents can at once become attracted to transcendental loving service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

For the Young at Heart

For the Young at Heart

Haridasa leads his charges (armed with cymbals and drums) out into the bright sunshine of sankirtana—the dynamic praise of the holy names of God.

Haridasa leads the boys on one of their regular sankirtana outings to the covered bridge Haridasa leads the boys on one of their regular sankirtana outings to the covered bridge The drums resound and the cymbals play in time

Children’s Books with a Spiritual Theme

Children’s Books with a Spiritual Theme

By 1977 Bala Books (in Sanskrit bala means “child”) was fully launched. The first book, Agha the Terrible Demon, had been prepared as carefully as possible to preserve the exact meaning of Srila Prabhupada’s original translation of the story from the Sanskrit.

Learning to Live in a Cooperative Spirit

The main difference is that Krsna conscious children chant Hare Krsna and worship God throughout the day. As a result, they become relieved of all sorts of psychological problems and can work with an alert mind.

Varied Talents Varied Training

The boys rise at 4 A.M., and at 4:30 they go to the temple to take part in chanting and dancing. First they sing prayers to the spiritual master, and then they sing the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. the names of the Lord. At 5 we all go for a walk, chanting Hare Krsna softly on our beads.

Responsible Parenthood

A mother-to-be ponders karma, reincarnation, and devotional service to Krsna. by Visakha-devi dasi When, one crystal-clear morning in January of 1982, my husband Yadubara and I first learned that we were parents-to-be, we had many of the usual questions first-time parents have. But since we were devotees of Krsna, the answers to our questions were […]

Gurukula: School for the Soul

if a student has a strong character and a good working understanding of Krishna consciousness, he can apply his Krishna consciousness to whatever he does in life and be an ideal example in society. That’s the kind graduate we want from Gurukula.

Gurukul: Spiritual Education

Gurukul: Spiritual Education

Gurukul students will be the best educated children in society. Not only will they have knowledge of math and English and history, but they’ll also know their relationship with God. They won’t need material things to keep them happy. They’ll be very strong.



Gurukula, a school for children ages five to fifteen, was founded by ISKCON in 1971. It is the only school teaching one how to be eternal, blissful and full of knowledge.