Krishna’s Universal Form

Krishna’s Universal Form

The universal form is the form of the Supreme Lord in which one can see everything in the universe, all at once. In the universal form, one can see past, present and future. One can see all the demigods of the material creation, and all other living beings.



Gurukula, a school for children ages five to fifteen, was founded by ISKCON in 1971. It is the only school teaching one how to be eternal, blissful and full of knowledge.

Primal Origins

Primal Origins

Vedic references tend toward the Big Bang theory, which suggests that at a certain time well in the future the process will reverse itself, and the universe will turn in on itself.

The Killing of Kamsa

The Killing of Kamsa

Kamsa heard the cries of the newborn child as his death knell, and he rushed in to kill him. But the baby flew up into the air and assumed the form of the demigoddess Maya. “You rascal,” she said to Kamsa. “The child who will kill you has already been born elsewhere. You cannot kill Him.”

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