ISKCON News — Festivals of Krishna Consciousness

ISKCON News — Festivals of Krishna Consciousness

THE DEVOTEES of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness are preparing for a number of important upcoming festivals that are celebrated every year. These festivals are great transcendental opportunities because they afford one the chance to hear about, chant about and remember Krishna, in the association of pure devotees of Krishna.

Back to Godhead, 1974, March PDF Download

Back to Godhead, 1974, March PDF Download

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, a scripturally predicted incarnation of Lord Krishna who appeared 500 years ago in India. showed by His personal example how to develop love for Krishna by chanting Hare Krishna and dancing in ecstasy.

Bhaktivedanta Manor — ISKCON’s UK Headquaters

Bhaktivedanta Manor — ISKCON’s UK Headquaters

Bhaktivedanta Manor, European headquarters for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, is a model community that exemplifies the principle of plain living and high thinking. Krishna consciousness, or God consciousness, is the center of all activity at Bhaktivedanta Manor.

Back to Godhead 1973 Vol 58 PDF Download

Back to Godhead 1973 Vol 58 PDF Download

Lord Visnu, an expansion of the Supreme Lord Krishna, lies in mystic slumber amidst fire and huge waves that partially destroy the universe at the end of every millennium. (This is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.)

Devotees Chanting Hare Krishna — Kirtan Sitting Down

Devotees Chanting Hare Krishna — Kirtan Sitting Down

The Hare Krishna mantra is for everyone, regardless of one’s religious faith, nationality, race, creed or occupation. This sound vibration is transcendental to all boundaries because it cannot be affected by material conditions; therefore anyone can chant it freely, at any time, in any place or under any circumstances.

Living in the Material World — Running Out of Gas

There is enough energy–but we do not know where to get it or what nature’s laws for its distribution are. And by wastefully exploiting whatever sources of energy we have found, we have technologically outfoxed ourselves, like the man who cuts off the branch of a tree, not realizing, until he hits the ground, that he was sitting on the branch.

ISKCON News October 1973

ISKCON News October 1973

THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS has recently opened centers in Birmingham, Alabama; Capetown, South Africa; Caracas, Venezuela; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Ottawa, Canada; Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Suva, Fiji; Stockholm, Sweden; and Geneva, Switzerland.

Back to Godhead, 1973, Vol 60 PDF Download

Back to Godhead, 1973, Vol 60 PDF Download

Although they may think themselves independent, the living entities in the material world act as puppets of the three qualities of maya or illusion. One can cut oneself free from maya’s strings only by surrendering to Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for He is maya’s ultimate controller.

Back to Godhead, 1973, Vol 57 PDF Download

Back to Godhead, 1973, Vol 57 PDF Download

Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, became the charioteer of His friend and devotee, Arjuna, to whom He spoke the immortal spiritual instructions of Bhagavad-gita 5,000 years ago on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra . This is the cover illustration of Bhagavad-gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. All glories to Lord Sri Krishna!

Letter From Rotary International

On behalf of the members of the Rotary Club of Hyderabad and on my own personal behalf, I convey to Your Divine Grace, as well as to your international devotees who accompanied your good self, our thanks for having been so kind as to visit our club at the Ritz Hotel, when you graciously gave us all the benefit of listening to your highly spiritual program, including sankirtana and discourses.

Chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra

Chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra

Who am I? Where did I come from before birth, and after death where am I going? What is this universe? Is it chaotic madness, or does it follow a plan? Why must I die? Grow old? Feel pain? Is there real happiness here? Or is it somewhere else?

Back to Godhead Magazine is for Intelligent People only.

Back to Godhead Magazine is for Intelligent People only.

Back to Godhead magazine is for intelligent people only. To be intelligent, one need not have a university degree or engage in intellectual word jugglery because the higher intelligence required for understanding Back to Godhead is not a matter of mundane academic research. The really intelligent person is one who will accept information about God from higher authorities and regard the science of Krishna consciousness as valuable and important.

Back to Godhead, 1973, Vol 59 PDF Download

Back to Godhead, 1973, Vol 59 PDF Download

In Vrindavan, the transcendental abode, even the cows, the deer, the birds–everyone–is enchanted by the sweet vibration of Krishna’s flute and the fascinating beauty of His person. This is one of the qualities which only the Supreme Personality of Godhead can possess. His superexcellent beauty can not be matched by anyone.

Back To Godhead January 1977 PDF Download

Back To Godhead January 1977 PDF Download

“I never lived on a farm before, but I always wanted to,” says Krishna-bhamini-devi dasi. “It’s the perfect setting, especially for children. You can do everything here–planting, building, beekeeping, artwork, writing, publishing–so many things are going on. And when you’re so close, there’s a community feeling, a satisfying feeling. If you’re aware, each day’s a festival.”

On the origin of life

On the origin of life

the Bhaktivedanta Institute members at the “Life Comes From Life” Conference in Vrindavan conclusively proved that life can’t possibly come from chemicals and that—as we see daily—life comes from life.

Chant and be happy… Hare Krishna’s as Santa?

Chant and be happy… Hare Krishna’s as Santa?

Whats a Hare Krishna doing dressed up like Santa? Nowadays we usually think of Santa as some kind of wintertime Daddy Warbucks who”ll satisfy our craving for more and more material things. But ‘Santa’ really means ‘saint.’ The original Santa taught people all about God and how to love God.

Back To Godhead December 1977 PDF Download

Back To Godhead December 1977 PDF Download

Often, as shown here, child Krishna delighted the townspeople by stealing and eating their butter.) Most of our boys have been hearing about Krishna since they were three or four years old. So now that they’ve come to Vrindavan, they can see the very things they’ve heard about: the Yamuna River, the groves, the cows and peacocks.

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