Farming: The Noblest Profession

Farming: The Noblest Profession

Winding through Sri Mayapur, the sacred Ganges shimmers in the cool light of dawn. As temple bells fill the air, barefoot bullock drivers plow the earth—the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all bodies.

Gurukula: A Higher Education

Gurukula: A Higher Education

I’ve known for a long time that public schools are having serious problems. But my research revealed a situation far more criticial than I had imagined. Most of the information I found painted a dismal picture.

On Castrating Bulls — Letters

While reading your recent article dealing with cows, I was shocked and hurt to learn that ISKCON castrates their bulls. I feel that this is a horrible thing to do and also unnecessary. Somehow it is hard for me to see how Krsna could sanction this, since He loves cows.

Festival of India Tours U.S.

Festival of India Tours U.S.

“Festival of India” is a dramatic presentation of ISKCON’s cultural and philosophical heritage. Exhibits on vegetarian cooking, reincarnation, spiritual education, and karma—to name a few—attract thousands.

Become Friends With the Devotees–Letters

After becoming friends with the devotees, my whole outlook on life has changed for the better. If people would just try to become friends with the devotees there would be a drastic change for the good of society.

Indira Gandhi Accepts Bhagavatam

Indira Gandhi Accepts Bhagavatam

“Hare Krsna,” the prime minister said, and Haridasa dasa, the first Muslim to become a Hare Krsna devotee in India, presented her with part three of the First Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, a Vedic classic.

Love of God by the Children

Love of God by the Children

The fortunate children born of Krsna conscious parents can at once become attracted to transcendental loving service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

For the Young at Heart

For the Young at Heart

Haridasa leads his charges (armed with cymbals and drums) out into the bright sunshine of sankirtana—the dynamic praise of the holy names of God.

Haridasa leads the boys on one of their regular sankirtana outings to the covered bridge Haridasa leads the boys on one of their regular sankirtana outings to the covered bridge The drums resound and the cymbals play in time