Srila Prabhupada Departs in Vrindavan 1977

At 7:20 p.m. on November 14, 1977, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada departed from this world. At the time, he was in his quarters at the Krsna-Balarama temple in Vrndavana, India, surrounded by loving disciples chanting the Hare Krsna mantra.

ISKCON News: Krishna Takes the Cake

The event climaxed with a special gift to Lord Krishna: a half-ton cake shaped like an ancient Indian palace, complete with domes and balconies, colored lights, nectar-showering fountains, and gingerbread elephants.

ISKCON News: Farm in Florida

ISKCON News: Farm in Florida

Even the residents of South Honda have never heard of the Jobaticaba tree or the star apple tree. Yet there they are, right on an 8.5-acre estate that fifty devotees have transformed into a tropical paradise.

ISKCON News: Prabhupada Begins Tour

ISKCON News: Prabhupada Begins Tour

On June 1, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada stepped from a plane at Los Angeles International Airport and began his summer tour of the United States.

A Spirited New Theater

A Spirited New Theater

Sudama Svami recalled theater had come up at his first meeting with Prabhupada, “I love to sing and dance.’ “Very good. You can go all over the world and present Krishna conscious theater.”

ISKCON News: Tenth Anniversary of ISKCON

July 6, 1976, marks the tenth anniversary of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. In only a decade, ISKCON has grown into a worldwide confederation of more than one hundred asramas, schools, temples, institutes, and farm communities.

Gurukula: School for the Soul

if a student has a strong character and a good working understanding of Krishna consciousness, he can apply his Krishna consciousness to whatever he does in life and be an ideal example in society. That’s the kind graduate we want from Gurukula.

ISKCON News: ISKCON at the United Nations

ISKCON News: ISKCON at the United Nations

ISKCON’s outdoor tent-exhibit, entitled “Simple Living, High Thinking,” drew rousing applause from thousands of visitors. Considerable praise went to ISKCON’s plans for a model city in Mayapura, India.

Spirit from Stone

Spirit from Stone

After instructing the sculptor on the few changes I wanted made, I saw two rough chunks of marble—one white and the other black—that were to become the Deities of Balarama and Krishna. I was spellbound.

How It All Began…

How It All Began…

I first learned of Srila Prabhupada’s plan for a “heaven on earth” in Vrindavan, India in May of 1970. He asked me to investigate a report that the king of Bharatpur wanted to give us one of his many Vrindavan palaces.

The Krishna-Balarama Temple — Heaven on Earth

The Krishna-Balarama Temple — Heaven on Earth

We want to attract people from all over the world to visit the holy land of Lord Krishna’s birth—and to provide nice facilities for them when they come. Vrindavan is a land of great spiritual potency. Anyone who visits will automatically chant the holy names of the Lord.

ISKCON News: ISKCON Joins Mummers Parade

With roots in pre-colonial America, Philadelphia’s New Year’s Day Mummers’ Parade of elaborately costumed string bands and colorful floats has been a city-sponsored classic since 1901. This year’s parade was certainly unique for Krishna and Arjuna were there

ISKCON News: Relieving the Relieving the Religious War

ISKCON News: Relieving the Relieving the Religious War

A brief look at the worldwide activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness Relieving the “Religious” War Years of bitter fighting, terrorist bombings, armored cars, and patrolling troops have made residents of Belfast, Northern Ireland, rather grim. But as visiting devotees have noted, Belfasters brighten when they hear the chanting of Hare Krishna. “The […]

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