Letter from a Hare Krishna Devotee’s Father


Not long ago, the father of Daniel Garland
(Brahma-muhurta Dasa) wrote to his son.

Dear Daniel,

I have probably said this before, but if so, pardon the repetition. My visit with you there was a very moving, total experience, and I know I will never be the same again after that visit. I think you are all a tremendously impressive and dedicated group of young men and women, who have dedicated your lives in as total, beautiful, and significant a way as anyone possibly could. Also—I am certain the world is helped more by the kind of dedication you are giving each day to the world around you than it is helped by almost any other human efforts. There must be times when your own inner struggles are extreme and when the behavior of others on the outside—like me—is very disheartening and frustrating to all of you.

It is hard for me to imagine what a totally transformed human being you have become and what your own inner life and value system—your whole world of meaning—must be.

Please don’t be too harsh on those of us who for one reason or another have not been able to make the total transformation that I am certain you would like to see come about.

It has been nice writing you—thinking about you—and may all the very best be with you.

Much love, Dad

CORRECTION. A chart in Our Place in Lord Brahma’s Lifetime (BTG Vol. 13, No. 6) mistakenly listed the White Incarnation of Krsna as Lord Kapila and the Red Incarnation as Lord Yajna. In fact, the white and red incarnations are known simply as Sukla and Rakta respectively.

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