The Narada-bhakti-sutra

The Narada-bhakti-sutra

The Narada-bhakti-sutra is a treatise on the fundamentals of bhakti, or devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, composed by Narada Muni, one of Lord Krishna’s greatest eternal devotees. Aeons ago, Narada received Vedic knowledge from his father and spiritual master. Lord Brahma, the first created living entity, who received the Vedic science of God from Lord Krishna Himself at the dawn of creation.

The Arrival of a Pure Devotee

At JFK International Airport, as more than one hundred disciples royally greeted him and curious reporters thronged around him, Srila Prabhupada explained, in clear language and with fixed conviction, the Krishna conscious philosophy of a God-centered society in which “everything animate and inanimate is recognized to be controlled and owned by the Lord.”



This is the great chanting for peace. It means: “O my Lord, O energy of the Lord, please engage me in Your service.” This is the one true universal and eternal religion: service to the Lord, who is known as Krishna, Rama, Jehovah, Allah, and many other names.

Letters to Back to Godhead

Perhaps I misunderstand you, but I feel saddened when it appears to me that you espouse Krishna consciousness as the only path to the realization of God and, moreso, when you denounce as less worthy other philosophies which in fact differ only in aspect and reach the same ultimate goal.

ISKCON News — Festivals of Krishna Consciousness

ISKCON News — Festivals of Krishna Consciousness

THE DEVOTEES of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness are preparing for a number of important upcoming festivals that are celebrated every year. These festivals are great transcendental opportunities because they afford one the chance to hear about, chant about and remember Krishna, in the association of pure devotees of Krishna.

Back to Godhead, 1974, March PDF Download

Back to Godhead, 1974, March PDF Download

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, a scripturally predicted incarnation of Lord Krishna who appeared 500 years ago in India. showed by His personal example how to develop love for Krishna by chanting Hare Krishna and dancing in ecstasy.

Bhaktivedanta Manor — ISKCON’s UK Headquaters

Bhaktivedanta Manor — ISKCON’s UK Headquaters

Bhaktivedanta Manor, European headquarters for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, is a model community that exemplifies the principle of plain living and high thinking. Krishna consciousness, or God consciousness, is the center of all activity at Bhaktivedanta Manor.

Back to Godhead 1973 Vol 58 PDF Download

Back to Godhead 1973 Vol 58 PDF Download

Lord Visnu, an expansion of the Supreme Lord Krishna, lies in mystic slumber amidst fire and huge waves that partially destroy the universe at the end of every millennium. (This is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.)

Hare Krishna Festival, Heidelberg, Germany

Hare Krishna Festival, Heidelberg, Germany

What is a Hare Krishna festival? It is a transcendental event organized for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord, Krishna. Just as in the material world a meeting or event is conducted especially to show respect and honor to a great man, so a Hare Krishna festival is especially organized to please the Supreme Person.

Presenting Krishna Consciousness to the British Student Community

Presenting Krishna Consciousness to the British Student Community

In Britain, like everywhere in the West, the most immediate and serious interest in the Krishna consciousness movement is found in the younger generation–particularly among some sections of the student and “hip” communities. There are several reasons for this, one being that young people are generally less set in their ways and therefore more liberal in examining new horizons.

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