In the Gurukula School in Dallas, Texas and Around the World
Gurukula, the children’s school of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, has one hundred children, ages 3-13, and thirty well-trained teachers.
Gurukula, the children’s school of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, has one hundred children, ages 3-13, and thirty well-trained teachers.
This issue of Back to Godhead features an extensive article on the ISKCON Gurukul at Dallas, Texas in 1974 along with many other interesting articles.
In the Bible it is said, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” There is no difference between God and God’s form, His qualities and His word.
Back To Godhead Vol 65, April 1974 PDF Download. Features amazing photo article on Vrindavan.
Some day the tiny soul will want to get out of material entanglement. This may happen because of frustration with painful experiences, because of a desire to achieve financial stability, because of curiosity, or because of wisdom.
The Goswamis were engaged 24 hours a day in the service of Krishna. They slept only two or at the utmost three hours daily. They conquered sleep, eating, collecting too much, and sense enjoyment.
Vrindavan is a simple village unlike all other places in the world, for this is where Lord Krishna, the Supreme Godhead, comes to earth with His associates to display His pastimes.
Scientists investigating the causes of aging and death will also have to die. At the time of their death, if they have neglected the purpose of life–spiritual realization–what will they have gained?
We should not be surprised if Krishna had married sixteen million wives, for Krishna, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is unlimited. Indeed, we may note with wonder that Krishna married only 16,108 wives.
BHAKTI cannot, strictly speaking, be defined, because it is transcendental. Sandilya, however, defines it as: exclusive and intense loving attachment to the Lord. Bhakti is recognized in Srimad-Bhagavatam as the highest and most satisfying function of the soul.
Conversations about spiritual life between Bob Cohen, a young Peace Corps worker in India, and His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Recorded at the ISKCON International Center at Lord Caitanya’s Birthplace, Mayapur, India
We also invite you to visit one of the Krishna consciousness centers–anywhere in the world–and thus come closer to Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Everywhere we hold Krishna conscious festivals. People become inspired to join us. Soon we hope to see hundreds of buses bringing these blissful festivals to every town and village.
We try to direct them toward what is best and most beautiful and what is most spiritually nourishing in the world about them—that is, insofar as the system allows us.
Religion refers to our constitutional position. It is different from faith. Faith can be changed but according to the Vedic system, religion cannot be changed.
Vedic references tend toward the Big Bang theory, which suggests that at a certain time well in the future the process will reverse itself, and the universe will turn in on itself.
Kamsa heard the cries of the newborn child as his death knell, and he rushed in to kill him. But the baby flew up into the air and assumed the form of the demigoddess Maya. “You rascal,” she said to Kamsa. “The child who will kill you has already been born elsewhere. You cannot kill Him.”
O Lord Damodara, Mother Yasoda bound You to a grinding stone with a rope. You then freed the sons of Kuvera, Manigriva and Nalakuvara, and You gave them the chance to become Your devotees.
This castle is ISKCON’s headquarters in Germany. Built in 1890 for a royal family, it’s called Schloss Rettershof, (“the castle of the knights”). Now it’s one of ISKCON’s more than 80 worldwide centers.
This issue of Back to Godhead features a beautiful color feature article on the Radha Damodar Traveling Sankirtana Party distributing books all over the USA