Back To Godhead June 1983 PDF Download

Back To Godhead June 1983 PDF Download

The Kingdom of God is an ocean of love that Krsna and His devotees sport in. We can also enter that kingdom and experience that love, if we learn to serve Krsna in pure devotion.

Nuclear Bombs: The Dangers Of Rabbit Consciousness

A huge cross section of the earth’s population, both in nuclearly armed and conventionally armed nations, now feel shock and outrage at the current overmilitarized condition of the world. Why did we ignore this nuclear insanity for so long?

CHANT Hare Krishna!

CHANT Hare Krishna!

In Sanskrit, man means “mind” and tra means “freeing.” So a mantra is a combination of transcendental, spiritual sounds that frees our minds from the anxieties of life in the material world.

Keeping Krsna’s Honey Bees

Keeping Krsna’s Honey Bees

If for some reason the hive becomes queenless, all the bees become anxious and will do little or no work. In the queen’s presence, however, the bees work feverishly and almost never turn their back to her.

Question on Karma — Letters

If it is your karma to be Krishnas, then why bother to go out and try to convert people to your way of life? Why not let them just live out the destiny their karma has determined for them?

The Yoga Dictionary

The Sanskrit language is rich in words to communicate ideas about spiritual life, yoga, and God realization. This dictionary, appearing by installments in BACK TO GODHEAD, focuses upon the most important of these words.