“THE BOOK” — Book Review

THE BOOK purports to be a reinterpretation of Vedanta, one of the ancient Scriptures of India. This is necessarily like re-writing The Bible, and it wouldn’t be possible not to come up with at least a few solid statements of deathless value.

BTG: You Won’t See it on the Streets Anymore…

The big change is that no longer will we be a magazine you see now and then or pick up when you meet a devotee on the street. At least in America, BACK TO GODHEAD is now a subscription magazine. You won’t see BTG on the streets anymore.

West Gets First Lord Nrsimhadeva Deity

West Gets First Lord Nrsimhadeva Deity

Now, for the first time outside India, a Deity of Lord Nrsimhadeva has been formally installed in a temple—the temple at Nava-Jiyada-Nrsimha-Ksetra, the Hare Krsna farm deep in the Bavarian Forest.

On Rabbi Kushner’s book again… – Letters

After reading Ravindra-svarupa dasa’s article on Rabbi Kushner’s book Why Bad Things Happen to Good People, one really begins to wonder how someone who’s supposed to have some religious responsibility to others can get away with ideas like those put forth in his book.

Articles about Black Devotees? — Letters

I would like to know why you never seem to write articles on Krsna consciousness in the black community? I’ve seen so many talented black devotees. I feel you owe it to yourselves to do some articles about them.

London Chariot Festival

London Chariot Festival

Last summer, thousands of tourists sightseeing in the center of this city may have been more than a little surprised to see a forty-foot-high, gaily decorated chariot being pulled around a corner onto Park Lane by scores of chanting and dancing Hare Krsna devotees.

Who Built Prabhupada’s Palace?

Ask anyone who lives near the New Vrindaban farm community, Who built Prabhupada’s Palace? and chances are they’ll say, “Oh, the Hare Krsnas built it.” Ask the devotees, and they’ll all say, “Srila Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada built the Palace.

Devotee Paints Mural for Civic Center

Devotee Paints Mural for Civic Center

A 12-foot by 20-foot mural entitled “French Explorers” has been painted by Muralidhara dasa, a devotee at the New Vrindaban farm community, for the Wheeling Civic Center.

Who am I? Where do I come from? — Letters

I read with interest some of the books sold by your vendors, and I would like to ask the following questions: Who am I? Where do I come from? What is the purpose of my existence? How can I get out of the cycle of repeated birth and death?

Letters — on Parthenogenetic Reproduction

Fertilization also activates the egg, initiating its development. However, a variety of artificial stimuli, including the prick of a needle—none of which contributes new material or new information to the egg cell—have been shown to activate eggs.

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