International Society For Krishna Consciousness Centers Around The World

AFRICA Nairobi Kenya c/o ISKCON, P. O. Box 28946 (E. Africa) THE AMERICAS Atlanta Georgia 24 NE 13th St./ (404) 892-9386 Austin Texas 9714 Dallum/ (512) 837-0085 Bloomington Indiana 1130 W. 6th St., Bloomington 47401 Boston Massachusetts 40 N. Beacon St./ (617) 254-7910 Buffalo New York 132 Bidwell Pkwy./ (716) 882-0281 Chicago Illinois 1014 Emerson, […]

Notes from the Editor

“Did Shakespeare Know the Lord?” Joseph Gallagher, a liberal clergyman serving in Baltimore, is the author of Diary of a City Priest. In his chronicle for 1979 he noted, “One morning I preached on some of the secrets life had taught me about itself.” But after his sermon a young girl approached him and said […]


We welcome your letters. Write to BACK TO GODHEAD 51 West Allens Lane Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119 Please send me a copy of your catalog. I found your magazine so enlightening. I especially enjoyed the article on cooking. I tried the recipes at home, and they were delicious. If you have any further information with recipes […]

The Vedic Observer

Transcendental Commentary on the Issues of the Day Relief Short-Lived by Dvarakadisa-devi dasi Nancy Wexler is a forty-one-year old neuropsychologist who, having witnessed her mother’s agonizing battle with fatal Huntington’s disease, now faces a fifty percent chance of dying in the same wretched way. She is also one of the developers of a test for […]

Every Town and Village

A look at the worldwide activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Bolivia’s President Receives Books Bolivia’s president, Dr. Victor Paz Eastenssoro, received some of Srila Prabhupada’s books when he visited a Krsna consciousness booth at a fair held in Santa Cruz recently. The president’s acceptance of the books was an ecouraging sign […]

How Much Are You Worth? — The Vedic Observer

If we analyze our bodies we’ll find nothing more than a barrelful of water and five or six dollars’ worth of chemicals. Yet if we meditate on our selves—who we really are—we intuitively know that each of us is something more.


I am very confused about the pronunciation of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. If you could properly instruct me on the correct pronunciation, I would very much appreciate that.

ISKCON Free Clinic

ISKCON Free Clinic

The Minister for Health and Family Welfare in Maharashtra state, presided at the inaugural ceremonies for ISKCONs new free clinic and dispensary, the Bhaktivedanta Institute.

“You don’t know the first thing . . .”

A state government that poses itself as a democracy but whose actual policy is to persecute and harass religious communities—such as ours—can hardly be civilized, cultured, or lawful. Such a society is barbaric and animalistic.

Hare Krishna Food Relief in Kenya

Hare Krishna Food Relief in Kenya

ISKCON Food Relief workers are providing meals for thousands. The food is called prasada, “the Lord’s mercy,” since it is offered to Lord Krsna. A team of volunteers works adjacent to the ISKCON center and each evening people come for steaming bowls of a Kenyan staple.

Notes from the Editor

More Than Meals: Solving the Food Shortage Some people take a quick glance at the Krsna consciousness movement and conclude that its members are not working to solve humanity’s day-to-day crises. These people tend to think that by chanting the names of God (Hare Krsna), the devotees have become “otherworldly,” “out of touch with reality.” […]

“Krishna Temple Is Labor of Love”

“Krishna Temple Is Labor of Love”

Something of a minor marvel is taking shape in the hills of Marshall County, where members of the Hare Krishna religious community have sacrificed over the past four years to complete a “labor of love”—a temple in honor of their spiritual master.

Notes from the Editor

India and America: the Lame and the Blind and the Ties That Bind This year we have witnessed a strengthening of diplomatic ties between India and America. And as the leaders of both nations have pointed out, this closeness reflects even deeper spiritual ties. Said President Carter during his recent tour, “At the heart of […]

Every Town and Village

A look at the worldwide activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) India’s Desai Confers with ISKCON Leaders In March three members of ISKCON’s governing board met with India’s Prime Minister Morarji Desai at his official residence in New Delhi. The 1SKCON leaders and Mr. Desai agreed that there are many problems facing […]

The Vedic Observer

Houston: The Roofs Not All That’s Sliding by Jayadvaita Svami A short time back I spent a few days in Houston, Texas, and while there I visited a friend who lives near the Astrodome, Houston’s multi-million-dollar ultra-sophisticated sliding-roofed stadium. Certainly impressive. But more striking than the Astrodome, I thought, were the places people went for […]

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