Offering Guru Puja to Srila Prabhupada

As one needs the help of a qualified teacher to understand the material sciences, one also needs a qualified teacher to understand the science of God. Such a teacher is the spiritual master. A genuine spiritual master must be able to instruct his students in the practical details of understanding who God is, what our relationship with Him is, and how this relationship can be revived.

The Los Angeles Hare Krishna Community

The Los Angeles Hare Krishna Community

In Los Angeles, California, a community of three hundred Hare Krishna devotees live in a suburban neighborhood sometimes called the Hare Krishna quarter, which includes a dozen offices, four apartment buildings, a book warehouse, a stately temple and a large factory.

Krishna Consciousness In The University

Krishna Consciousness In The University

Many of us feel that this divorcing of the personal or devotional from learning, from wisdom, is a bad thing. And so I think we have a great deal to learn about the religions of India from people who have taken a direct, more involved and, I think, more complete and total approach to the things we read about in books.

Krishna’s Supreme Glory

Krishna’s Supreme Glory

Although the greatest person, He likes to enjoy a little sport, some friends, a bit of affection. Krishna is not different from us in this respect; He is the Supreme Great, but this does not mean He cannot enjoy relationships with His pure devotees

Hare Krishna Festival, Heidelberg, Germany

Hare Krishna Festival, Heidelberg, Germany

What is a Hare Krishna festival? It is a transcendental event organized for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord, Krishna. Just as in the material world a meeting or event is conducted especially to show respect and honor to a great man, so a Hare Krishna festival is especially organized to please the Supreme Person.

Presenting Krishna Consciousness to the British Student Community

Presenting Krishna Consciousness to the British Student Community

In Britain, like everywhere in the West, the most immediate and serious interest in the Krishna consciousness movement is found in the younger generation–particularly among some sections of the student and “hip” communities. There are several reasons for this, one being that young people are generally less set in their ways and therefore more liberal in examining new horizons.

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