“I learned to cook by watching others—my mother, my aunt, and even the ‘walas’ [restaurant and street-stand cooks] in Calcutta,” Srila Prabhupada said. Later on, in his householder days, he occasionally joined his wife in the kitchen.
The Sanskrit language is rich in words to communicate ideas about spiritual life, yoga, and God realization. This dictionary, appearing by installments in BACK TO GODHEAD, focuses upon the most important of these words.
Although Srila Prabhupada never set foot in Trinidad, the chanting of Hare Krsna is nonetheless resounding today throughout this Caribbean island. No one need wonder any longer how Lord Caitanya’s miracle will come to pass: At least for Trinidad, the miracle has become a reality.
In 1952 Srila Prabhupada began preaching Krsna consciousness in Jhansi. With the support of local doctors and businessmen, he began an organization—the League of Devotees—dedicated to spreading Krsna consciousness in India and abroad.
Despite all the gloom, the devotees of Lord Krsna are optimistic, unfazed. Indeed, they’re positively joyful. Why? And if they are, can others be? Yes.
The Sanskrit language is rich in words to communicate ideas about spiritual life, yoga, and God realization. This dictionary, appearing by installments in BACK TO GODHEAD, focuses upon the most important of these words.
Fertilization also activates the egg, initiating its development. However, a variety of artificial stimuli, including the prick of a needle—none of which contributes new material or new information to the egg cell—have been shown to activate eggs.
With World War II raging in Europe and the Far East, Srila Prabhupada launches BACK TO GODHEAD magazine and addresses the issues of the day from a Krsna conscious viewpoint.
In the beginning there is myself [Brahma], and the Prajapatis, the great sages who generate; then there are Lord Visnu, the demigods with controlling powers, and the kings of different planets. But at the end there is irreligion, and then Lord Siva and the atheists full of anger.
Absolute is sentient, Thou hast proved, Impersonal calamity Thou hast removed. This gives us a life Anew and fresh. Worship Thy feet, Your Divine Grace.
When I came to New Zealand in 1972, the farthest thing from my mind was opening a Hare Krsna temple. I was on a world surfing safari and the closest idea I had to spiritual life was finding “the perfect wave.”
The Sanskrit word karma means “action” or, more specifically, any material action that gives us a material reaction and thus binds us to the material world. So a karma-free diet is one that produces no material reaction; it’s a sinless diet.
Of course, there are different types of yoga, but ultimately the basic principle is to purify the mind so we can understand our pure spiritual identity. Yogis want to go beyond the mind, beyond even the intellect, to the very root of life, the soul.
The Supreme Lord rescues His devotee from the ocean of birth and death. A soul suffering in material existence can never save himself from the ocean of repeated birth, old age, disease, and death.
When Vicki Overton was growing up in Auckland in the 1950’s, duly attentive to her studies at St. Cuthbert’s College for girls, no one would have imagined she would one day be among the most sought-after fashion models in the world.
Krsna is explaining Himself. But suppose you say, “How can I believe that Krsna said these words? Somebody may have written them in the name of Krsna.” No. Because the Bhagavad-gita is accepted by saintly persons, we should also accept it.
Critics sometimes charge that Krsna consciousness is “brainwashing.” Supposedly it forces an otherwise free-thinking person to conform to such a degree that he loses his identity and becomes a “mindless robot”.
The Sanskrit language is rich in words to communicate ideas about spiritual life, yoga, and God realization. This dictionary, appearing by installments in BACK TO GODHEAD, will focus upon the most important of these words.
Beef-, fish-, and chicken-lovers take note: There’s a cheaper, tastier, healthier, saintlier way to meet your protein needs — dhal. Besides being a good source of iron and B vitamins, is an excellent source of vegetable protein.
A look at the worldwide activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Radio ATMA on the Air in Paris Paris—The International Society for Krishna Consciousness now broadcasts music and discussions on spiritual themes to the Paris area. Taking advantage of President Mitterand’s policy of open access to the airwaves for private groups, devotees […]