The Joy of Cooking Badas

The Joy of Cooking Badas

Badas in India were one of my favorite dishes, but in Oregon it was such an ordeal to make them that my taste for them dramatically waned. Making badas with a blender eliminates the grind and adds to the pleasure of cooking classic Vedic dishes.

Gandhi-Jinnah Talks

Gandhi-Jinnah Talks

We are sorry to learn that Gandhi Jinnah Talks about unity of the Indian people have failed for the present. We are not very much optimistic in the result of such occasional talks between several heads of community and are of opinion that if any solution is arrived at as a token unity for the time being, it is again to break up, to meet another shape of problem which may not be on the ground of religiosity.

Thanks to the Government of India

Thanks to the Government of India

Readers of ‘Back to Godhead’ who were practically disappointed to learn that the Government of India had twice refused to give permission for the continuance of publication of “Back to Godhead”, will be glad to know and see that in the third attempt by their humble servant, the Government of India has kindly given special permission to continue the publication of ‘Back to Godhead’.

Chance: There is No Such Thing

Chance: There is No Such Thing

There is no such thing as chance; when we say that an event happens by chance or by accident, this simply means that we are unfamiliar with the reasons why it happens. There is a cause behind everything.

Removing the Bewildered Condition

Removing the Bewildered Condition

The individual soul needlessly accepts material body after body to enjoy in assorted avenues of sense gratification within the material world. Ignorant of his true nature, he becomes attracted by ever-changing material forms and seeks to enjoy them.

KRSNA Is Nondifferent From His Name

KRSNA Is Nondifferent From His Name

Krsna consciousness is the perfect process for solving all the problems of life because it can at once end our illusory separation from Krsna, the Supreme Lord. Krsna is present everywhere, even within the atom and within the heart of every living creature.

Liberation of the Cave Dwellers

Liberation of the Cave Dwellers

In Plato’s Republic, Socrates uses the allegory of the cave to illustrate the nature of man’s attachment to the illusory things of this material universe. He tells of men living in the depths of an underground cave, the entrance of which is open to the light.

The Logician and Lord Caitanya

The Logician and Lord Caitanya

Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya tested the transcendental condition of Lord Caitanya in the light of authentic scriptures. He checked His pulse, heartbeat, stomach movements, etc., and found that His bodily functions were all in complete suspension.

Sankirtana, The Divine Sound

Sankirtana, The Divine Sound

Because there is no difference between Krsna and His name, the holy name of Krsna is as pure and as perfect as Krsna Himself. The chanting of Hare Krsna will release one from his designated condition in the gross and subtle bodies.

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