Maharaja Prthu considered it his primary duty to enlighten the citizens with spiritual knowledge. Any leader who simply exacts taxes, but does not inform the people of the mission of human life is thoroughly condemned.
The root cause of the incompetence of politicians is selfish materialism, and the remedy is the re-spiritualization of society through the worldwide propagation of Krishna consciousness.
Defying the serious recession that slowed the world economy in 1975, ISKCON devotees increased their sale of Krishna conscious literature last year by more than one third over 1974. The total topped nine million books and magazines
In this world there are three basic phenomena: the Supreme Controller (God), conscious living entities, and dead matter. Dead material things are those that have no capacity to desire, i.e., that are devoid of willpower.
Once you’ve heard it, you’ll never forget it. You may not know what the words mean—nevertheless there’s something captivating about the Hare Krishna chant. Is it the catchy tune, or the fascinating way in which the words are repeated and reversed?
In this issue of Back to Godhead Srila Prabhupada speaks about meditation and the self within with a news reporter and other articles including “What’s wrong with our politicians.”
Ajamila came upon a lusty low-class man kissing a prostitute. They were drunk, and smiling. The prostitute’s dress was loose. When Ajamila saw her, the lusty desires in his heart awakened.
Your society recently acquired a twelve-story temple building near Columbus Circle in New York City. Isn’t using a facility like this somewhat hypocritical for an organization that professes detachment from material things?
Although meat is certainly a source of concentrated protein it is a very poor source of other food elements like minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates. In addition, eating flesh from the cow or any other animal is detrimental to the health of human beings for many reasons.
We milk the cows at two o’clock, and as soon as we’re done milking, we go into the temple and attend the morning functions. We’re busy all the time this way, and we don’t fall down to a mundane level.
A recent tour of Africa took Srila Prabhupada through East and South Africa, and to the island state of Mauritius, six hundred miles off the coast of Madagascar. There he spoke with many people.
The wheel of reincarnation carries the soul on its journey through 8,400,000 species of life. At the top of the wheel is human life, which, if spent wisely, can liberate the soul from the bondage of birth and death.
One day a friend of mine showed me a book she had gotten from a Hare Krishna devotee. It was called Sri Isopanisad, The book’s introduction alone was so complete—it explained all the things I’d been wondering about!
Criminals struck every three seconds in the United States as crime rose a dramatic eighteen percent in 1974. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada discusses the problem with Chicago Police Department media relations expert Lt. David Mozee.
It’s natural to praise someone who does something wonderful, and God does the most wonderful things of all. He creates the entire cosmic manifestation, orbiting countless planets and stars with astonishing skill and artistry.
This issue of Back to Godhead features Srila Prabhupada’s comments on the Time magazine article: “Crime, Why and What to Do?” and a great article on Hare Krishna farm communities.
By Krishna’s mercy, He sends His devotees from door to door, from person to person, to distribute knowledge of Him. Such devotees have no other thought than how to deliver the fallen souls back to Godhead.
This Age of Kali is an ocean of faults. But in this age there is one great advantage—simply by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, one can be freed of all material contamination.
Sridhama Mayapura is the home of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In this abode, apparently located in the district of Nadia, West Bengal, the Supreme Personality of Godhead wonderfully appeared almost five hundred years ago.
At Mayapur the devotees will chant and visit the places where the Lord performed His pastimes. But most importantly, they will hear from their spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada.