The Vedic Observer

Transcendental Commentary on the Issues of the Day Now And Then by Rupanuga dasa On December 12, 1986, the Wall Street Journal published the results of an attitude survey of college freshmen originally taken in 1967 and repeated in 1985. In 1967, 83 percent believed “it is essential or very important to develop a meaningful […]

The Boston Brahmanas

The first written reference to Boston brahmanas was made by Oliver Wendell Holmes. In an essay published in 1860 Holmes wrote of the “brahmin cast of New England … the harmless and innocent, untitled aristocracy.

For God or Guinness

Brace yourself: we’re in for it again. Here they come—more and more of ’em, and getting more scary all the time. Nuclear weapons. What to do?


The name Krishna means “the all-attractive one” the name Rama means “the all-pleasing one,” and the name Hare is an address to the Lord’s devotional energy.

The Intruder

One pleasant spring night Krishna and Balarama entered the forest of Vrndavana to enjoy the company of the gopis, Their cowherd girlfriends. Suddenly, there appeared … The Intruder

Baseball, Caste, and the Whole-Hog Syndrome

Confusing “cast” with “caste” is an innocent error, but mistaking Lord Krsna’s varnasrama system for an oppressive, hereditary class structure is a far more serious blunder. By Mathuresa Dasa Baseball, to most anyone’s mind, has little in common with the Indian caste system, which rigidly divides society into four hereditary classes. But for me there’s […]


INTRODUCTION TO BHAGAVAD-GITA An introduction to Geetopanishad, the Bhagavad Gita as It Is. Swamiji is presently working on a complete translation of the text of the Gita. Now this introduction is available. 35 cents KRISHNA THE RESERVOIR OF PLEASURE by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Every man is seeking pleasure in life. But he does not know […]

Krishna: The End of Knowledge

Today, for the majority of students attending universities and institutions of higher learning, the question of the end of knowledge, the destination of the long pursuit, hardly ever comes to mind. One’s eyes are usually fixed on graduation day and the diploma that signifies entrance into a good-paying job. For most, the goal of knowledge is money and the material pleasures it buys.

Back to Godhead Volume 1 No.5, 1967 PDF Download

By the mercy of Krishna: The editors of Back To Godhead, along with our revered teacher, Swami Bhaktivedanta and our godbrothers of the Society, wish to express our deep hopes for a happy New Year—one in which peace and enlightenment may bless the hearts of all men. This, of course, is not just a holiday […]

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