Academic Conference on ISKCON

Academic Conference on ISKCON

Twenty-five top scholars from the United States, Canada, and Great Britain assembled here in mid-July for a major academic conference titled “Krsna Consciousness in the West: A Multi-Disciplinary Critique.”

On Pilgrimage

On Pilgrimage

Traveling north from Kanya-kumari, in a few days we come to the village of Tirukkurungudi, once visited by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu nearly five hundred years ago.

Ecstasy Without Brain Damage

Ecstasy Without Brain Damage

MDMA, or Ecstasy, is said by its proponents to have the incredible power to banish jealousy, break down emotional barriers, heal fear, and heighten the individual’s aesthetic awareness.

St. Louis Blues

St. Louis Blues

The St. Louis Cardinals, their red-and-white uniforms contrasting sharply with the brilliant green Astro-turf, shifted in boyish impatience as the anthem soared to its vigorous conclusion.

Vancouver Vedic Style ISKCON Temple

Vancouver Vedic Style ISKCON Temple

We faced so many difficulties, but gradually we saw how Krsna assembled a varied and competent crew to build this temple. “The devotees saw the project as a labor of love for glorifying the Supreme Lord and His pure devotee, Srila Prabhupada.

The Joy of Cooking Badas

The Joy of Cooking Badas

Badas in India were one of my favorite dishes, but in Oregon it was such an ordeal to make them that my taste for them dramatically waned. Making badas with a blender eliminates the grind and adds to the pleasure of cooking classic Vedic dishes.

Cow Protection and Peace

Cows, mothers, giving milk. And from milk comes butter, ghee, cheese, sandesa, yogurt, ice cream… And in a civilized land her dung is used for fertilizer and fuel, and her mate, the bull, is pulling your plow. They should never be killed.