Krishna, the Supreme Scientiest

Krishna, the Supreme Scientiest

When we think calmly and carefully about this wonderful universe, we can see that everything is working under the control of a supreme brain. The arrangements in nature are perfectly ordered. Things would be at random without the careful planning of a scientific and engineering brain.

The Science of Purity

The Science of Purity

Not a single scientific advancement has lessened the existence or potency of God, and none ever will. Nor has science made man any more secure in his position or powerful in conquering the stringent laws of nature that attack him at every moment.

On the origin of life

On the origin of life

the Bhaktivedanta Institute members at the “Life Comes From Life” Conference in Vrindavan conclusively proved that life can’t possibly come from chemicals and that—as we see daily—life comes from life.

A Hopeful Note

The sickness scientists and political leaders are suffering, “demon disease”—the compulsion to deny and decry the existence and superintendence of the Supreme Lord.

The Demons Among Us

The Demons Among Us

There are two kinds of living beings in the creation—the divine and demonic. A demon need not be a huge monster with ten heads, nor a red fiend with a pitchfork. In fact, the demons who live among us generally appear quite ordinary.

Of Men and Machines

Automation, in the form of computers is an attempt to exercise control, not only of the mechanical process itself, but of the human being who directed it, turning him from an active to a passive agent, and finally eliminating him altogether.

Chance: There is No Such Thing

Chance: There is No Such Thing

There is no such thing as chance; when we say that an event happens by chance or by accident, this simply means that we are unfamiliar with the reasons why it happens. There is a cause behind everything.

Beyond the Tao of Physics

Beyond the Tao of Physics

Capra’s understanding of the most popular texts on Vedic mysticism, the Bhagavad-gita and the Upanisads, differs markedly from the Krsna conscious understanding. This revelation has led me into some lengthy discussions with a few of Capra’s readers.

Creation: Nothing Comes From Nothing

Creation: Nothing Comes From Nothing

Atheism asks us to agree that everything came from nothing. In other words, on the question of how the universe came about, atheism says, “No intelligence, no designer, no creator—nothing was involved. It just happened of its own accord.”

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