Why Did We Come to the Material World? — Letters

Since we are part and parcel of the Divine, we must have been in the divine, eternal, spiritual world at one time. Also, in the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krishna proclaims, “Those who come to My supreme abode will never return to the material world.” So why did we come to this material world?

Children of God

Children of God

You can have BACK TO GODHEAD delivered to your home by mail every month. To take advantage of our special reduced-rate offer—and get a FREE GIFT besides—just fill out the attached postage-free card and drop it in the mail today.

Book Review: The True Believer by Eric Hoffer

Hoffer’s favorite adjective for the villains of his piece is “frustrated”—the assumption being they aren’t strong enough to face themselves and make a go of it in the world, so in their weakness they are driven to chasing illusions.

Toxic Waste: Stopping It at Its Source

Russell Bliss sprayed oil mixed with dioxin on dusty horse arenas, dirt roads, and farms at twenty-two sites in Missouri. His purpose was twofold: to control the dust and to get rid of the dioxin, a waste product that a defunct hexachlorophene plant had paid him to dispose of.

My Heart Melted in the Kirtan — Letters

I visited the temple. They had kirtana going and within a matter of minutes my heart swelled with ecstasy and tears rolled down my cheeks. That was a turning point in my life. I felt so guilty for my wrong impression of them.

OX Power

OX Power

He stands five feet high, eight feet long, and weighs three hundred pounds more than a ton. His name is Bharata, after a pure devotee of Lord Krsna, but because a simple ox responds best to commands of one syllable, the men rhyme his name with spot—”Brot!”

Govinda’s Restaurant Opens in Tirupati

Govinda’s Restaurant Opens in Tirupati

In Tirupati, along the seven-mile-long mountain path to the temple of Lord Venkatesvara (a form of Lord Krsna), pilgrims stop for rest and refreshment at the newly opened Govinda’s Restaurant.

Supporting Science — Letters

Prabhupada argues science is not scientific because it is upheld by belief rather than fact. The justification he cites is that science cannot prove that life originates from chemicals. Yet in 1953 Stanley Miller synthesized amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins and hence life.

New Vrindavan — Parts & Parcels

New Vrindavan — Parts & Parcels

New Hare Krishna centers are constantly being opened in order to fulfill Lord Chaitanya’s prophecy that Hare Krishna will someday be sung in every village and town throughout the world. Our latest center is called New Vrindaban.

Question on Karma — Letters

If it is your karma to be Krishnas, then why bother to go out and try to convert people to your way of life? Why not let them just live out the destiny their karma has determined for them?

The Vancouver Show Hosts Hare Krsna Guru

The Vancouver Show Hosts Hare Krsna Guru

I travel around the world preaching the message of Bhagavad-gita. I encourage people to take advantage of the human form of life and achieve liberation from the cycle of repeated birth and death in this world.

Krishna Consciousness in Canada

Krishna Consciousness in Canada

As in all Hare Krsna temples, the devotees in Canada begin the day at 4:30 in the morning with a formal arati ceremony. Accompanying themselves on drums and hand cymbals, they sing prayers to the spiritual master, a pure representative of Krsna.

A New FATE in Detroit

A New FATE in Detroit

The First American Transcendental Experience (FATE), an elaborate multimedia diorama museum, includes six beautifully detailed dioramas illustrating pastimes of Krsna taken from the Srimad-Bhagavatam.

On Jesus Christ — Letters

In the October issue of BTG, the “Yoga Dictionary” made a careless definition of Christ. It was stated, “The Bible speaks of Jesus Christ as the son of God, and the Vedic scriptures speak of Lord Krsna as God Himself. So Jesus Christ is the son of Lord Krsna.”

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