ISKCON Boston 1969 in Photos

ISKCON Boston 1969 in Photos

This process is especially recommended for self-realization in this age. By performance of Samkirtan, one can achieve the perfection of human life, and the process is so simple that anyone can take it up without qualification.

ISKCON New York City in Photos 1969

ISKCON New York City in Photos 1969

In this Age of Kali spiritual life is difficult. Handicapped by short life span, poor memory, and political turmoil, few if any can take up the path of self-realization by means of meditative yoga, temple worship or study of the Vedas.

New Temple for ISKCON Vancouver

New Temple for ISKCON Vancouver

After five years of patient effort and a heroic last-minute marathon, the devotees of the ISKCON center in Vancouver have completed building an ornate Vedic-style temple for their worshipable Deities, Sri Sri Radha-Madana-mohana.

Everything Belongs to Krishna? — Letters

In “The Vedic Observer” section of your October issue you say that since everything belongs to the Supreme Person, we’re thieves if we claim anything belongs to us. Does that mean that the house I’ve lived in for the past twenty-five years isn’t mine?

Boston Weddings

Boston Weddings

Accepting a wife is also considered renunciation, because the student is voluntarily sacrificing his tendency toward unrestricted sex life for a program of regulated restraint to develop his spiritual consciousness.

Teachings of Lord Caitanya — Book Review

TEACHINGS OF LORD CHAITANYA begins with the Lord’s instructions to Rupa Goswami. “The science of devotional service is just like a great ocean and it is not possible to show you all the length and breadth. I shall explain about the nature of the ocean by taking a drop of it.”

Krishna Consciousness in Hawaii

Krishna Consciousness in Hawaii is currently established at 51-576 Kam Highway in Kaaawa (just before the Crouching Lion Inn). Classes are at 7 a. m. daily and at 7 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A Love Feast is held every Sunday at noon,

Beatle John Lennon With Montreal Devotees

“I found out what being famous was like. It’s a drag responsibility. I spent a long time looking; meditation in India and all that. It was all okay, you know, but it wasn’t the answer. And then I met Yoko, and we worked our sort of thing out between us, fell in love and that.” John Lennon.

Pope John Paul II Gets Krishna Books

Pope John Paul II Gets Krishna Books

At the Vatican recently, Pope John Paul II received from Kirtiraja dasa Polish editions of Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is and Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Said the pontiff: “Thank you very much. They’re very beautiful.”

On Deprogramming — Letters

I was advised to have my daughter deprogrammed. I read up on deprogramming and its ramifications. I also felt my daughter had and has freedom of choice, freedom of religious beliefs. I decided to do nothing. My philosophy is “live and let live.”

Stay High Forever — No More Coming Down

DROP OUT of movements employing artificially induced states of self-realization and expanded consciousness. Such methods only lead to spiritual laziness and chaos. End all bringdowns, flip out and stay for eternity.

Los Angeles Sankirtan

An example of spreading Krishna Consciousness is found in the activities of the devotees at the Los Angeles Radha Krishna Temple, who are engaged in a full program of Sankirtan throughout the greater Los Angeles area.