The Eyes to See the “I”

The Eyes to See the “I”

I can see my body, and in a way I can see my mind and intelligence. Now then, what about the “I” who’s doing all this seeing? Can I see the “I”? by Amogha Dasa As we all know, the organ for seeing is the eye. The eye catches the light rays reflected by whatever […]

Questions People Ask About Chanting Hare Krsna

Questions People Ask About Chanting Hare Krsna

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Q. What’s so special about the Hare Krsna mantra? Couldn’t you get the same effect by chanting Coca-cola Coca-cola, or any other sound, over and over again? A. No. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the incarnation of God who inaugurated mass […]

God Is Light and Much More

God Is Light and Much More

A talk given by Acyutananda Svami in Los Angeles, March 1978. Translation of a Sanskrit Verse (Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.26.3) “The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Supreme Soul, and He has no beginning. He is transcendental to the material modes of nature and beyond the existence of this material world. He is perceivable everywhere because He […]

Life and Death

Life and Death

“What is that force without which a living body becomes a dead body? That’s the one thing the experts can’t quite put their finger on.” by Mandalesvara dasa What is life? … A child is born. You can see his natural luster, feel the warmth of his body, hear his crying. All his vital functions […]

Krishna Kills the Great Python Aghasura

Krishna Kills the Great Python Aghasura

Through his mystic power Aghasura took the form of an eight-mile-long python. At first, the boys thought the demon was just a statue. But then one boy said, “Just see—isn’t this more like a big serpent lying down in the road and widening his mouth to eat all of us?”

Godhead and His Potentialities

Godhead and His Potentialities

The highest form of philanthropic or altruistic service that a man can render to his fellow brethren—is the propagation of transcendental service of the Personality of Godhead by awakening the spiritual sense of all sleeping men caught hold of by the grip of the “Maya” Potency. The easiest method for reviving such spiritual sense in the heart of all fallen souls, was taught by Lord Chaitanya who took compassion with the fallen souls of the present age, as congregational chanting of the Holy Name of Godhead.

“BACK TO GODHEAD” — The Purpose of the Magazine

My duty will be simply to repeat in the “BACK TO GODHEAD” just like an interpreter what I have heard from and what I have been ordered to deliver by my great spiritual master H.D.G. Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada. Nothing will be manufactured by me by my mental concoction. Such words will descend as Sound Transcendental and when they are given proper serving reception by the aural channel, surely they will act like medicine to carry all back to home and “BACK TO GODHEAD.”

Tantra – Can Sex Be Yoga?

Tantra – Can Sex Be Yoga?

by Acyutananda Svami Ever since Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha first captured the fancy of Westerners, it has indeed caused a wave of thought and action, especially among young people. Though the book says nothing new, it seems to offer the best of both worlds. In essence, it promises that one can indulge his senses to the […]

Lord Krsna’s Childhood Activities

Lord Krsna’s Childhood Activities

The Transcendental Pastimes of Lord Krsna To His mother and father, Lord Krsna was an endearing child. To the demons, He was death personified. Playing like an ordinary child. Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, was a constant source of pleasure to His parents. His mother Yasoda would say, “My dear Krsna, please bring […]

The Krsna Culture Comes to Latin America

The Krsna Culture Comes to Latin America

A Personal Account by Radha-Krsna Svami When I was a young boy growing up in Mexico City, I would sometimes meditate on what comes after death and why we have to die. And I would pray for more years to live, because I didn’t want to die. I could see that even the most well-off […]

The Passing of Haridasa Thakura

The Passing of Haridasa Thakura

If you visit the town of Puri on the Bay of Bengal, you will find, amid palm trees and small houses, a stone shrine marking the place where the great saint Haridasa Thakura sat alone or with a devotee companion and worshiped Krsna.

The Gifts of His Divine Grace

The Gifts of His Divine Grace

Wherever Srila Prabhupada went, on fourteen journeys around the globe, he constantly spread the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, and when he finally departed he was surrounded by disciples from around the world, loudly chanting these names of God he had given them.

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