Breaking Through the Clouds

Breaking Through the Clouds

Distributing Back to Godhead, I could see many people around me in the position I used to be in–depressed, despite having made all arrangements for pleasure through music and drugs–and this made me more eager to give everyone the transcendental knowledge of my spiritual master’s magazine.

Why Hare Krishnas Distribute Books

Why Hare Krishnas Distribute Books

Have you ever met a Hare Krsna devotee in an airport, a parking lot, or on the street distributing books and collecting donations? Many people wonder why we do this. I’ve been distributing books for over six years, and I’d like to tell you something about the origin of book distribution.

The Anatomy of the Self

The Anatomy of the Self

I remember we played for hours, taking him apart and piecing him back together. In the process we were learning about our own bodies—the heart, lungs, brain, muscles, veins, arteries, and the rest. But we never asked Which part is it that makes the body alive?

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT) in 1978

Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT) in 1978

A Quick Look at the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust The World’s Largest Publisher of Books on Indian Philosophy, Religion, and Culture Books. Sixty-six million of them in print—all designed to meet the highest professional standards, and all filled with the essential science of self-realization and realization of God. This is what the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust is […]

What the Scholars Say About BBT Books

“The philosophical and religious works published by the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust provide a golden opportunity to Western philosophers, scholars, and people in general to drink deep at the celestial fountain of ancient Indian philosophical and spiritual wisdom.” Dr. L. S. Varshneya Chairman, Department of Hindi Dean, Faculty of Arts Allahabad University Allahabad, India “We are […]

A Taste of the Full Nectar

A Taste of the Full Nectar

By Krishna’s mercy, He sends His devotees from door to door, from person to person, to distribute knowledge of Him. Such devotees have no other thought than how to deliver the fallen souls back to Godhead.