Indira Gandhi Accepts Bhagavatam

Indira Gandhi Accepts Bhagavatam

“Hare Krsna,” the prime minister said, and Haridasa dasa, the first Muslim to become a Hare Krsna devotee in India, presented her with part three of the First Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, a Vedic classic.

A Lifetime of Service

A Lifetime of Service

Although I was interested in Krsna consciousness, I doubted that I could follow the four regulative principles. I just couldn’t see myself living the renounced life of a devotee. These habits were so deeply ingrained in me that to purify myself of them seemed impossible.

Back To Godhead June 1984 PDF Download

Back To Godhead June 1984 PDF Download

The Supreme Person is an ocean of captivating transcendental qualities, but His most endearing and exalted quality is His exquisite beauty. All beautiful and glorious manifestations in this world spring from but a spark of Krsna’s splendor.

The Transcendental Sound Vibration

As sound is the cause of this material world, it is also its destruction. That same sound which destroys this cosmic manifestation elevates one to the spiritual sky, which is conspicuous by the absence of the qualities of the material sky.

Liberation at Last

Recently I spoke to an acquaintance who is practicing “meditation” and I asked him the goal of his practice. The answer was, “Liberation. To merge with the one.”

Love of God by the Children

Love of God by the Children

The fortunate children born of Krsna conscious parents can at once become attracted to transcendental loving service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Lust and Love

Lust and Love

Maya, the illusory material nature, is duping people into accepting lust in place of love. Lust is what traps the living entities, who are spiritual by nature, in this material world.

The Avataras of Godhead

An Avatara, by definition, is one who descends from the Spiritual Sky in order to perform a specific function which cannot be accomplished by any ordinary living being.

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