Perfection at Home

One has only to learn of devotional service in the approved manner, no one has to change his position of worldly life. The process of submissive hearing will help one in every way. That will inject the powerful medicine for curing one’s material diseases.

Back To Godhead July 1984 PDF Download

BACK TO GODHEAD is the monthly journal of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. When Srila Prabhupada began the Society (in New York City, in 1966), he put into writing the purposes he wanted it to achieve. They are as follows: 1. To systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large and to educate all […]

The Opulences of Krsna

Lord Krsna has innumerable expansions. As far as Krsna Himself is concerned, there are six opulences which are always present—knowledge, wealth, fame, strength, beauty and renunciation. He has these opulences in totality, whereas created beings have them in part only.

The Peace Formula

The Peace Formula

The great mistake of modern civilization is to encroach upon other’s property as though it were one’s own, and to thereby create an unnecessary disturbance of the laws of nature.

Love Of God in Photos from San Francisco

Love Of God in Photos from San Francisco

Hare Krsna chanters have solved the gravest problem of existence—the death problem—they are also free from all fearfulness and are enjoying the fullest extent of happiness in the here and now. Please chant this mantra!

Sankirtan — It Means Chanting Hare Krishna!

Sankirtan — It Means Chanting Hare Krishna!

Sankirtana means singing and dancing about the glories of Krsna, the Supreme Personality of God. It is nothing manufactured or concocted; it is not a “new religion.” Sankirtana will be the only successful method for bringing God consciousness to the people in general.

Sri Brahma-samhita (5th Chapter)

This is the first installment of the Brahma-samhita, the Hymns of Brahma, including a foreword by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, the translator and commentator, and the first two verses and purports of the Fifth Chapter of this work.

Back to Godhead Vol 33, 1970 PDF Download

Back to Godhead Vol 33, 1970 PDF Download

Lord Krsna, the Supreme Lord of the universes, is appearing as a cowherd boy in Vrndavana. His is worshiped by Lord Brahma, the four-headed creator of this universe, whose song of praise to Krsna, Brahma-samhita.

Become Friends With the Devotees–Letters

After becoming friends with the devotees, my whole outlook on life has changed for the better. If people would just try to become friends with the devotees there would be a drastic change for the good of society.

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