This year’s Ratha-yatra festival was Bombay’s largest yet. The cart rolled through downtown Bombay for five hours, and the devotees on the cart tossed to the enthusiastic parade viewers half a million packets of food offered to Krsna.
The rascal does not think, “I am doing all these sinful activities for sense gratification, and as a result, I will have to accept a very low grade body.” That he does not know.
Six to nine times more addictive than alcohol, it is also eight times deadlier. Addiction to it is harder to treat and cure than addiction to heroin, and it leads to a higher incidence of fatality.
Lord Caitanya awakened. Taking His devotees with Him, He journeyed through the towns and villages of Nadia. The mrdanga drums resounded and the hand cymbals played in time.
A Vaisnava feels compassion for the distress of others. Lord Jesus Christ, for instance, was greatly afflicted by the miserable conditions of the people. All Vaisnavas, or devotees—any people who are God conscious—are thus compassionate.
Hare Krsna devotees don’t eat meat, fish, or eggs, they don’t have to worry about cholesterol in fried foods. A tablespoon of ghee contains only 31 milliliters of cholesterol—nothing compared to the 274 milliliters in just one egg.
Lord Caitanya stated that anyone born in India has the responsibility to take up this chanting of Hare Krishna and spread it, and He has quoted scripture to state there is no alternative for spiritual realization in this age than chanting the holy name of God.
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Even some of the impersonalists danced, and the faces of the people changed from grey to a nice reddish due to bright attentive joy. We got up from the stage and danced, and they got up from their seats and danced.
We have traveled throughout India—to Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi, and to smaller cities too. Practically everybody is won by kirtana—the sound representation of Krsna.
The tour of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada throughout India attracted much daily news coverage, and many major magazines ran features about Srila Prabhupada and his foreign disciples.
The Indian reporter asked why Americans and Europeans are becoming Hindus. Srila Prabhupada said, “Krsna is not Hindu—you won’t find the word Hindu anywhere in Vedic literature.”
The greatest spiritual master of the Hare Krsna movement, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, asked His disciple Rupa Gosvami to go to Vrndavana and preach His mission. This is disciplic succession.
Krsna consciousness not only allows for love but is constituted of nothing but love. In fact, by practicing Krsna consciousness, one gradually comes to realize that supreme love which permeates all beings and objects throughout the universe.
We feign indifference toward heroism while within we long for and quietly work at it. The main function of a cultural system, says Becker, is to provide us with an orderly vehicle for realizing our urge to heroism.
ISKCON inaugurated the pada-yatra to celebrate the five-hundredth anniversary of the appearance of Lord Caitanya, who is Krsna Himself appearing in the role of His own devotee to teach the congregational chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra as the prime means of God realization in this age.