Humility by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Traveling from place to place, Proud of my education, I grew wealthy and maintained my family With undivided attention. O Lord Hari, O Krsna, I forgot You!
Traveling from place to place, Proud of my education, I grew wealthy and maintained my family With undivided attention. O Lord Hari, O Krsna, I forgot You!
Here it is clearly stated that out of all the different kinds of yogis-—the astanga-yogi, the hatha-yogi, the jnana-yogi, the karma-yogi, and the bhakti-yogi—the bhakti-yogi is on the highest platform of yoga.
Devotees of Lord Krsna on board the Sri Jaladuta II bring the message of Lord Krsna to the Hawaiian Islands. The fifty-three-foot teakwood ketch, a donation from a well-wisher impressed by the concept of a floating temple.
The temple at 26 2nd Ave was thriving, but now it was time to break new ground. The most fertile field was San Francisco’s Haight-Ashhurv, where the cultural revolution that had begun on the Lower East Side was about to explode with a mass migration of searching, frustrated young people.
Many people haven’t given much thought to the question of whether there is life after death, and many even prefer to ignore death. Still, we all must die. Like a tiger, death stalks each of us. Sooner or later it will strike.
In darkness have I traveled, In nescience was I born. For eons had I journeyed In existence forlorn, My knowledge had been covered, Forgetful. and blind, In different planes I’d hovered, But soon I lost my mind.
The Sanskrit language is rich in words to communicate ideas about spiritual life, yoga, and God realization. This dictionary, appearing by installments in BACK TO GODHEAD, will focus upon the most important of these words.
I do not know how much nectar the two syllables ‘Krs-na’ have produced. When the holy name of Krsna, is chanted, it appears to dance within the mouth. We then desire many, many mouths. When that name enters the holes of the ears, we desire many millions of ears.
Between two recitals of Indian music and dance, the prince received two of the movement’s books from a Hare Krsna devotee. “Possibly he found them more interesting than the performance,” reported one Indian newspaper, “for he buried himself in the books.”
When you understand what spiritual life is, you will see that in the spiritual sense also you are subordinate, because your nature is to be subordinate.
Since he started the public chanting of Hare Krsna in Washington Square Park, in the heart of Greenwich Village, Srila Prabhupada had been sending out small “parades” of devotees, chanting and playing hand cymbals through the streets of the Lower East Side.
Although the women’s liberation movement may offer some worth-while proposals, it generally ignores this highest goal. But by becoming Krsna conscious, a woman is liberated in this life and the next; so Krsna consciousness is the real women’s liberation movement.
We understand business to mean “occupational duty.” According to our Vedic culture, there are different types of business. The four divisions of the social system, based on people’s qualities and types of work.
Sometimes demons would come to Vrndavana and try to kill Krishna. One of these demons was Bakasura, who assumed the form of a gigantic crane.
Is there life after death? If so, what is the nature of that life? These questions have always been with us, and the search for their answers is an intrinsic function of the human psyche.
ISKCON Television shot a video of Lord Rama’s pastimes. Under the direction of Nrsimhananda dasa ITV staged an all-devotee Ramayana at the Hare Krsna movement’s New Vrindaban farm community in West Virginia.
The prevailing view among modern scientists is that a human being is in essence a complex machine. According to this view, our life and consciousness have their source in the interactions of our bodily parts—neurons in the brain, organelles in the cells, and so on.
The Sanskrit language is rich in words to communicate ideas about spiritual life, yoga and God realization. This dictionary, appearing by installments in BACK TO GODHEAD, will focus upon the most important of these words.
Hare Krishna is now a dictionary word: “Hare Krishna. A religious sect based on Vedic scriptures, whose followers engage in joyful congregational chanting of God’s name: founded in the U.S. in 1966.”
Once again, your latest edition of BACK TO GODHEAD was a smasher. I read it through with tear-filled eyes. Especially, the article “Impressions of India” was a most moving and accurate account of “Indian” attitudes toward life.