Back To Godhead January 1986 PDF Download
When the eastern horizon became tinged with the redness of the rising sun, Lord Caitanya journeyed through Navadvipa and called out to the sleeping souls, “Wake up! Take shelter of the holy name of Krsna!
By BTG Editors on PDF
When the eastern horizon became tinged with the redness of the rising sun, Lord Caitanya journeyed through Navadvipa and called out to the sleeping souls, “Wake up! Take shelter of the holy name of Krsna!
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on ~Featured~
There are two paths we can follow: One takes us back home, back to Godhead, and the other forces us to remain in this material world, which is full of miseries, especially birth, old age, disease, and death. These are the two paths open to us.
By Mathuresa Dasa on Krishna, ~Featured~
Krishna, the original person, is no less a person than we are. Most religions teach us to respect God as the almighty father. But we overlook His true greatness and power if we ignore He can relate to His devotees in loving relationships.
By Suhotra dasa on ~Featured~, Chanting
In West Germany, devotees have evolved a preaching strategy adapted from the nama-hatta program established by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in India during the last century.
By Drutakarma dasa on Vegetarianism, ~Featured~
Awakening Our Spiritual Taste.Whether it’s a spicy chutney or a cooling raita, food offered to Krsna enlivens our spiritual senses.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Philosophy, ~Featured~
In a dream we see so many things that have nothing to do with us. This is our nighttime dream, and we recognize it when we wake up. Unfortunately generally we go back into our daytime dream. “I am this.” “I am that.” “I am white.” “I am black.” “I am American.” And so forth.
By Kundali dasa on Lord Caitanya, ~Featured~
Instructions to Rupa Gosvami. On the bank of the Ganges at Prayaga, Lord Caitanya revealed the ocean of devotional service.
By BTG Editors on Temples, ~Featured~
The grand opening of ISKCON’s Sri Sri Radha-Radhanatha temple drew 100,000 visitors, including leaders of the Afrikaans, English, black, and Asian communities.
By BTG Editors on Death
Birth and death apply to one’s embodiment in the material world. Fear is due to worrying about the future.
By Visakha devi dasi on Holy Places, ~Featured~
Time has all but stopped in Navadvipa – or so you’d think, seeing the ancient-looking riverboats and temples. Five hundred years ago in this transcendental land. Lord Caitanya appeared and began His great spiritual movement.
By Kirtanananda Swami on Gurus
Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada, was brutally and irrationally attacked, struck on the head, and critically injured. Although he has apparently fully recovered by Lord Krsna’s grace, for several weeks he lay in an intensive care unit of a Pittsburgh hospital, partially paralyzed, lapsing into coma.