Back To Godhead June 1978 PDF Download

Thousands of years ago, Krsna manifested His form called Jagannatha, the Lord of the Universe. This summer His chariots will carry Him through main streets and parks in cities all over the world.
By BTG Editors on PDF
Thousands of years ago, Krsna manifested His form called Jagannatha, the Lord of the Universe. This summer His chariots will carry Him through main streets and parks in cities all over the world.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Spiritual World, ~Featured~
Srila Prabhupada’s First Talks in America (New York, October 1966) How to reach the spiritual realm. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada speaks on Bhagavad-gita, India’s time-honored source book of spiritual science. avyakto ‘ksara ity uktas tam ahuh paramam gatim yam prapya na nivartante tad dhama paramam mama “My supreme abode is unmanifested and […]
By Madhudvisa dasa on In India, ~Featured~
Intimations of a Festive World by Jagajivana dasa This Krsna culture,” His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada used to say, “has so many festivals. We could have one every day. In the spiritual world, every day is a festival.” And when you first see the chariots, you wonder whether that’s just where they’ve come […]
By BTG Editors on Festivals
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada brought the ancient Indian Ratha-yatra, the Festival of the Chariots, to the West in 1967. That year Srila Prabhupada held the festival in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, and it quickly caught on all over the world. In 1969, at the third San Francisco festival, Srila Prabhupada spoke […]
By Madhudvisa dasa on Society
On “Human Suffering and an Unjust God” This conversation between His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and social worker Ashoka Chugani took place in Bombay, India. Mr. Chugani: I feel that your Krsna consciousness movement is doing very valuable work here in India. Perhaps you know of our success, also. We are making arrangements […]
By Madhudvisa dasa on In India
A look at the worldwide activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Krsna’s Town Gets Bhaktivedanta Gate When pilgrims arrive in northern India’s Vrndavana village, the place in India most sacred to Lord Krsna, they now pass through a gate dedicated to the memory of the Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna […]
By Visakha devi dasi on Demigods
In Ancient India’s Vedic literatures we find a cosmic calendar that shows the cycle of ages—and how to break out of it. by Visakha-devi dasi How long we live greatly depends on what kind of body we have. For example, an insect might stay around for only a month, while a human being sometimes lasts […]
By BTG Editors on Prabhupada Memories
Some personal recollections by his disciples. I remember being with Srila Prabhupada once when a cynical reporter interviewed him. The man challenged, “You claim God is speaking to you directly, telling you what to do?” “Yes,” Srila Prabhupada said. Sitting there beside Srila Prabhupada, I could feel the reporter’s skepticism. “How can God speak to […]
By Balavanta dasa on In India
Cooling the Nuclear Vesuvius by Balavanta dasa After the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, President Kennedy estimated that the possibility of a nuclear holocaust had been “somewhere around one out of three…. Everything the U.S. has built in three centuries would have disappeared within eighteen hours. Even the fruits of victory would have been ashes in […]
By BTG Editors on Chanting
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Q; Does chanting Hare Krsna have anything to do with reincarnation? A. Definitely. The whole process of reincarnation depends on what you’re thinking about at the time of death. If you’re thinking about a dog, you could become a […]
By Drutakarma dasa on Krishna
Young Nalakuvara and Manigriva became addicted to intoxication and sex. One day they went searching for their favorite pleasures in a splendid garden on the bank of the Ganges. There they got themselves drunk on a liquor called Varuni, and singing noisily, they wandered through fragrant flowers with beautiful young girls.
By Sita devi dasi on How I came to Krishna
Without Making Yourself Miserable by Sita devi dasi In college I was a would-be humanitarian, always getting myself into one altruistic group or another. I leafleted with grape and lettuce workers, read books to blind people, demonstrated against the war in Vietnam, and quit jobs when it became clear my employers were discriminating against minorities. […]
By BTG Editors on Letters
More Than Meals: Solving the Food Shortage Some people take a quick glance at the Krsna consciousness movement and conclude that its members are not working to solve humanity’s day-to-day crises. These people tend to think that by chanting the names of God (Hare Krsna), the devotees have become “otherworldly,” “out of touch with reality.” […]