Holy Men & Hypocrites

Holy Men & Hypocrites

To avoid confusion, one must use careful intelligence to discriminate between the saints and the swindlers, the incarnations and the imposters, the holy men and the hypocrites.

A Christian Tribute to Krsna Consciousness

A Christian Tribute  to Krsna Consciousness

The following is a statement by Dr. Harvey Cox, theologian at Harvard Divinity School, at a symposium titled “Krishna Consciousness and Religious Freedom,” conducted at the Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard University, November 22, 1976.

Hallowed Be Thy Name

Hallowed Be Thy Name

The Bible has nearly a hundred verses that praise the power, glory, and excellence of God’s hallowed name. The Bible’s authors obviously considered the holy name of the Lord very important.

Religion’s Ultimate Goal

Generally people pray, perform rituals, and so on, in hopes of attaining temporary goals: better health, a good marriage, success in business. But in Bhagavad-gita Sri Krsna advises that those who practice religious life by seeking material boons are missing the real point.

Sankirtana in the Bible

Even a quick reading of the Bible will show that sankirtana was very much present indeed amongst the ancient Jews and early Christians and that it was certainly stressed by one of the Bible’s major figures—David.

Religion and the Engines of War

Many conflicts around the world are being billed as “religious wars.” Fighting between the Sikhs and Hindus in India, Christians and Moslems in Beirut, Moslem sects of Iran and Iraq, and Protestants and Catholics of Northern Ireland—all seem to have roots in religious conflict.

When God Takes Sides

When God Takes Sides

The powerful tyrant, Kamsa, was as vile as they come. After usurping the throne from his father and killing and imprisoning many of his own relatives, he turned on his chief rival, Lord Krsna.

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