Mayor Praises Vancouver Ratha-yatra

Mayor Praises Vancouver Ratha-yatra

The Ratha-yatra Festival of the Chariots, celebrated here annually for the last five years by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, has apparently won the hearts of British Columbia’s officialdom.

The Philosophy of Science — Letters

The theory of evolution is only a reflection of a much broader philosophy—the philosophy of materialistic science. It is this philosophy that is the cause of many people’s rejection of any theistic religion and that must therefore be exposed as inferior to belief in God.

Sita-Rama Installed Near London

Sita-Rama Installed Near London

Recently at the Bhaktivedanta Manor, the country asrama of the Krsna consciousness movement near London, devotees installed the Deity forms of Lord Ramacandra (Krsna’s incarnation as a perfect king) and His consort, Srimati Sita-devi.

The First Floating Hare Krishna Temple

The First Floating Hare Krishna Temple

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness has its first floating temple, a 53-foot teakwood ketch recently donated to Narahari dasa, president of the Honolulu Krsna center.

The World of Hare Krsna Film

The World of Hare Krsna Film

the film takes us on a world tour of the activities of the devotees today: publishing, illustrating, and distributing Krsna conscious literature in Paris; congregationally chanting the names of God in London; portraying Krsna’s pastimes through art, dance, music, drama, and sculpture.

The Sunday Feast

After the chanting (it usually goes for twenty minutes or so) there’s a talk on Bhagavad-gita. This is the basic book of spiritual knowledge the Hare Krsna devotees get their philosophy from.

The Sunday Feast

Things get started with some chanting of Hare Krsna. It’s a kind of meditation. The idea is to meditate on the sound. And if you decide to join along in the chanting too—well, so much the better.

Hare Krishna Devotees Spread Aloha Spirit

Hare Krishna Devotees Spread Aloha Spirit

Hare Krsna devotees recently took part in the gala floral parade celebrating Hawaii’s Aloha Festival. In tune with the festival’s theme (“Music, the International Language”), they chanted Hare Krsna.

The Hare Krishna Temple Sunday Feast

The Hare Krishna Temple Sunday Feast

The Sunday Feast a kind of open house. You come alone of with your friends or family. When you come in, you might like to meet some of the devotees. Maybe you’ll just wander around on your own and see what the place is all about. It’s up to you.

Every Town and Village

A look at the worldwide activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Nepalese Ambassador Voices Support for Krsna Embassies Paris—Krishna Rajaryal, Ambassador to France from Nepal, recently met with several representatives of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) to voice his support for the Society, which has faced occasional attacks here from […]

The Power of the Volcano — Notes from the Editor

The Power of the Volcano — Notes from the Editor

The media’s complete coverage of the Mount St. Helens volcano completely avoided seriously considering the cataclysm’s ultimate cause. Photographers in airplanes hovered over the mountain, taking sensational news photos of the blast, officials tallied the loss of life and money.

Children’s Books with a Spiritual Theme

Children’s Books with a Spiritual Theme

By 1977 Bala Books (in Sanskrit bala means “child”) was fully launched. The first book, Agha the Terrible Demon, had been prepared as carefully as possible to preserve the exact meaning of Srila Prabhupada’s original translation of the story from the Sanskrit.

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