Meditation in the age of quarrel

Most forms of meditation are virtually impossible to perform in the modern world, and therefore one should learn to meditate by the simple method of chanting and hearing the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.
By Hamsaduta dasa on ~Featured~, Chanting
Most forms of meditation are virtually impossible to perform in the modern world, and therefore one should learn to meditate by the simple method of chanting and hearing the Hare Krishna maha-mantra.
By Vanamali dasa on Book Distribution, ~Featured~
Distributing Back to Godhead, I could see many people around me in the position I used to be in–depressed, despite having made all arrangements for pleasure through music and drugs–and this made me more eager to give everyone the transcendental knowledge of my spiritual master’s magazine.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Krishna, Prabhupada, ~Featured~
The bodily effulgence of Krishna generates millions of universes. In this solar system the sun produces many planets, and due to sunshine the planets are warm and the seasons change. Due to the sun there are trees, green foliage, fruits and flowers. Similarly, whatever we see in creation is all due to Krishna’s bodily effulgence.
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Devotees, ~Featured~
Five hundred years ago, Sanatana Gosvami was a central figure in the government of Bengal, but by leaving his governmental responsibilities to surrender to Lord Caitanya, he fulfilled a far more important responsibility to both himself and humanity in the service of the Supreme Lord.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Prabhupada, ~Featured~
Everyone is a servant of eternal time, and therefore no one can be king in this material world. A king is a person who can order. However, even a king cannot order time and tide. Therefore one is only a false king in this material world
By Karunasindhu dasa on ~Featured~, Devotees
What thoughts cross your mind when you are asked what you think or know about a Hare Krishna devotee? What is his background? Why is he a devotee? What are his cherished goals? How does he live his private life? What is a typical day for a devotee? Most people do not know the answers to these questions. In order to clear up these questions for a large number of people, we would like to present a typical devotee.
By Svarupa Damodara dasa on Science, ~Featured~
When we think calmly and carefully about this wonderful universe, we can see that everything is working under the control of a supreme brain. The arrangements in nature are perfectly ordered. Things would be at random without the careful planning of a scientific and engineering brain.
By Revatinandana Svami on Sinful Activities, ~Featured~
The characteristic of this Kali-yuga age is men become inclined toward four basic sinful activities that break the four pillars of religiosity, leading men into the darkness of passion and ignorance. These four degrading activities, are gambling, intoxicating habits, illicit sex, animal slaughter and eating of animal foodstuffs.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on ~Featured~, Communism, Society
The other day I was reading the paper, Moscow News. There was a Communist congress, and the President declared, “We are ready to take others’ experience to improve.” So I think the Vedic concept of socialism or communism will much improve the idea of communism.
By BTG Editors on ~Featured~, Chanting
Who am I? Where did I come from before birth, and after death where am I going? What is this universe? Is it chaotic madness, or does it follow a plan? Why must I die? Grow old? Feel pain? Is there real happiness here? Or is it somewhere else?
By Brahmananda Svami on ~Featured~, Prabhupada's Books
Those who relish Srimad-Bhagavatam are compared to swans that enjoy pleasant ponds of water, scenic and natural, whereas materialists are compared to the crows who prefer to enjoy the garbage of refuse heaps.
By Subala dasa Swami on ~Featured~, Bhagavatam / Gita Classes
One God–Lord Sri Krishna, one scripture–Bhagavad-gita As It Is, one hymn-Hare Krishna, one work-Loving service to the Lord and the result will be one World of peace and prosperity.
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on ~Featured~, Temples
I asked Haihaya whether the people of Mexico City were taking Krishna consciousness seriously. He replied, “Many of them come with beads and chant Hare Krishna just like full-time devotees. After they buy books, they always read them and ask for more. Also, many of them take to a vegetarian diet after hearing our philosophy.”
By Madhudvisa dasa on ~Featured~, Science
Not a single scientific advancement has lessened the existence or potency of God, and none ever will. Nor has science made man any more secure in his position or powerful in conquering the stringent laws of nature that attack him at every moment.
By Dharmadhyaksa dasa on Farm Communities, ~Featured~
New Mayapur has had instant appeal, here the atmosphere is so peaceful and alive that spiritual living comes naturally. At a place like this, people can feel themselves becoming spiritually transformed.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on ~Featured~, Krishna
Krishna said, “Look at this wonderful place!”, the bank of the Yamuna River, “This is an ideal place to eat our lunch. Afterward, we can play on the soft, sandy river bank.
By Damodara dasa on Prabhupada, ~Featured~
Everywhere you look there are so many names. Names for packages, names for signposts, names for places, names for plants, names for people. Names are convenient, and maybe a little confusing.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on ~Featured~, Prabhupada
Many observers feel that with corruption so common and scandal nearly standard, society is in a bad way and getting worse. What’s really happening, and what to do? India’s Bhavans Journal interviews His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Gurukul, ~Featured~
We all know that education is for training tomorrow’s leaders. But today’s schools are little more than training grounds for criminals. So where are we going to get tomorrow’s leaders? From among these students at ISKCON’s gurukula in Vrindavan.
By Kirtanananda Swami on Religion, ~Featured~
“I have yet many things to say unto you,” Christ told a world, filled with crudeness and ignorance, “but ye cannot bear them now” (John 16:12).