The Demons Among Us

The Demons Among Us

There are two kinds of living beings in the creation—the divine and demonic. A demon need not be a huge monster with ten heads, nor a red fiend with a pitchfork. In fact, the demons who live among us generally appear quite ordinary.

On Pilgrimage

On Pilgrimage

Traveling north from Kanya-kumari, in a few days we come to the village of Tirukkurungudi, once visited by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu nearly five hundred years ago.

The Logician and Lord Caitanya

The Logician and Lord Caitanya

Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya tested the transcendental condition of Lord Caitanya in the light of authentic scriptures. He checked His pulse, heartbeat, stomach movements, etc., and found that His bodily functions were all in complete suspension.

The Enchantment of Goloka

The Enchantment of Goloka

The soul is like a sleeping man. When a man sleeps at night, he forgets his real life to wander in a world of dreams. As a sleeping man can be called back to consciousness when he hears the sound of his name, so the dormant spirit soul is stirred to transcendental life by the vibration of the name Krsna.

The Platform of Real Bliss

The Platform of Real Bliss

The person who has tasted the bliss of Krsna consciousness soon loses all interest in material pleasure. As his consciousness becomes cleansed by chanting Hare Krsna, he comes in contact with superior spiritual pleasure.

The Intelligence to Love Krsna

Krsna consciousness is meant for the most intelligent persons. Although it is available for everyone, those who are not intelligent will not be interested in this transcendental movement, but will continue to engage in illusory happiness on the material platform.

BTG: You Won’t See it on the Streets Anymore…

The big change is that no longer will we be a magazine you see now and then or pick up when you meet a devotee on the street. At least in America, BACK TO GODHEAD is now a subscription magazine. You won’t see BTG on the streets anymore.

Beyond the Formless Philosophies

By mental speculation one concludes that because material forms are temporary, spirit, to be eternal, must be formless. This reasoning, however, is illogical, like the conditioned thinking of a cow in a barn.

The Seige on the Kingdom of Puranjana

The Seige on the Kingdom of Puranjana

Attacked incessantly for one hundred years the five-hooded serpent began to lose his strength and Puranjana became extremely anxious. One may struggle against time for one hundred years, but eventually one’s vitality weakens, and one’s bodily limbs become feeble.

How Much Are You Worth? — The Vedic Observer

If we analyze our bodies we’ll find nothing more than a barrelful of water and five or six dollars’ worth of chemicals. Yet if we meditate on our selves—who we really are—we intuitively know that each of us is something more.

Krishna The Transcendence Comes Into View

Krishna The Transcendence Comes Into View

Our dear Lord, You have appeared in Your original unalloyed form, the eternal form of goodness, for the welfare of all living entities. Taking advantage of Your appearance, all of them can now easily understand the nature and form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead

Why Krsna Comes To This World

Why Krsna Comes To This World

August 1973 at the Bhaktivedanta Manor, in the countryside near London. Several thousand guests (including the Indian High Commissioner) listen to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada speak about the day Lord Krsna made His appearance on earth.