Back To Godhead December 1984 PDF Download

Back To Godhead December 1984 PDF Download

Radha and Krsna enjoy loving pastimes in the spiritual realm Goloka. The exchanges between Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Radha, the embodiment of pure devotion to Him, are eternal and full of bliss and knowledge.

Simply Wonderful Sweets!

Simply Wonderful Sweets!

The art of making these sweets has been preserved through generations of specialized sweet-makers in India. There the sweet repertoire is extensive and elaborate, and although preparing such sweets may appear simple, to do it masterfully requires great skill.

Poem by Kirtanananda

Govinda, Krishna—awaken me, I plead. Cut off these ears, Pluck out these eyes, That I might hear and see indeed. Take all I have, my brief life, And then I shall live in Thee.

Krishna: the Divine Lover

Krishna is our Lover. We are His creation, and He is the Lover of the creation. Like the clever Lover that He is, He hides Himself from us at times so we may long for Him and call to Him.

Back to Godhead Volume 1 No.2, 1966 PDF Download

Back to Godhead Volume 1 No.2, 1966 PDF Download

The International Society For Krishna Consciousness was incorporated in July, 1966. Over a short four months the Society has expanded sufficiently to warrant larger quarters than the small Second Avenue storefront temple.

Temple Worship

Temple Worship

Service of the Lord, especially in dressing and decorating the temple, accompanied by musical kirtana and spiritual instructions from the scriptures, can alone save the common man from the hellish cinema attractions and the rubbish sex-songs broadcast everywhere by radios.

Karma-yoga-Action in Krsna Consciousness, Part 5

As the Fifth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita opens, Arjuna is asking Krsna practically the same question he asked at the beginning of the Third Chapter, namely whether there is a difference between renounced action and inaction or between knowledge and devotional service.

Back to Godhead Vol 38, 1970 PDF Download

Back to Godhead Vol 38, 1970 PDF Download

Lord Brahma, the spiritual master of Narada Muni, is the first living entity within the universe. He received all Vedic information from the Supreme Lord Krsna, who directly imparted the transcendental knowledge from within his heart.

Poem by Kirtanananda

Thy Name, Dear Krishna, is music. They Name is holy food. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

Flip Out and Stay

Realization is not something we learn in a book or hear in a lecture. Realization is living the life for which man is intended. Realization does not imply withdrawal; realization is leading life and meeting destiny with opened eyes.

Back to Godhead Volume 1 No.1, 1966 PDF Download

Back to Godhead Volume 1 No.1, 1966 PDF Download

BACK TO GODHEAD is a bi-monthly publication issued by the International Society For Krishna Consciousness. This publication is principally concerned with promulgating through the medium of essays, poems and articles the truths expounded by Lord Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita.

Religion’s Ultimate Goal

Generally people pray, perform rituals, and so on, in hopes of attaining temporary goals: better health, a good marriage, success in business. But in Bhagavad-gita Sri Krsna advises that those who practice religious life by seeking material boons are missing the real point.

Perfect Question Perfect Answer

Perfect Question Perfect Answer

My whole life is going to waste, to my mind—I am still not very clear what is the aim of my life. A lot of people have been benefited by this great movement [ISKCON], by chanting, but I still feel that this is all the means to the end.

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