Human prosperity flourishes by natural gifts and not by gigantic industrial enterprises. The gigantic industrial enterprises are products of a godless civilization, and they cause the destruction of the noble aims of human life.
In the forest of Vrndavana, Lord Krsna and His cowherd boyfriends enjoy a picnic lunch. The cowherd boys, having performed many pious activities in past lives, were able to laugh and play with the Supreme Lord as if He were an ordinary boy.
“I would be delighted if there were life after death . . . but I am also a scientist . . .” Apparently he thinks that as a scientist, he has a right to demand that the Supreme Being come under his scrutiny. — Astronomer Carl Sagan’
Robert Nelson and Srila Prabhupada made an odd combination. Srila Prabhupada was elderly and dignified and was a deep scholar of the Bhagavatam and the Sanskrit language, whereas Robert was artless in both Eastern and Western culture and inept in worldly ways.
So they make all the bombs, stock them up, and then Krsna will just use these bombs and these other nasty things they’ve made, and He will simply kick everything down and break it all to pieces.
My sister was just back from Europe and just hearing for the first time about a Southern California obstetrician named William Waddill. I told her that after an unsuccessful abortion, Dr. Waddill had allegedly strangled the baby.
You can add thousands of 0’s together, one after another, but the value will still be 0. It will never become 1. But by the side of 0, if you bring 1, immediately that becomes 1o. Add another 0, immediately you have 100.
The City Council recently passed a resolution congratulating ISKCON for opening a budget vegetarian restaurant in the heart of a deprived section of the inner city.
Things haven’t changed so very much since the time Krsna played in Vrndavana as a cowherd boy. On the outskirts, in Ramana Reti, peacocks still dance beneath the trees. If you’re not careful, monkeys will steal fruit from your room.
Prabhupada wanted to start farm projects. For many years the devotees had been trying to get people to accept Krishna consciousness as it appears in books like Bhagavad-gita. “But, if the people are in chaos, how will they be able to accept this great philosophy?”
Our physical self, the outer body, is always changing-from childhood to adulthood to old age, from lifetime to lifetime, and even from species to species. Yet our spiritual self, the inner spark or soul , is always the same.
Lord Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears in this world periodically, to enliven His devotees and vanquish the demoniac. Fifty centuries ago He dancingly knocked some sense into Kaliya’s hundred heads
In recent years thousands of religious figures have taken up faith healing. They use all kinds of approaches, but basically they claim that through their charismatic prayer and laying on of hands, God acts: He cures everything from cavities to brain tumors, releases sexual inhibitions, and even increases earning capacity.
There is a forest called Talavana full of palm trees, and all the trees are filled with sweet, ripe fruit. Some of the fruit is already falling, and some is still in the trees. It is a very nice place, but because of a great demon named Dhenukasura, it is very difficult to go there.
A state government that poses itself as a democracy but whose actual policy is to persecute and harass religious communities—such as ours—can hardly be civilized, cultured, or lawful. Such a society is barbaric and animalistic.
Religious Persecution In West Germany. The raid . . . the media barrage . . . the courtroom encounter.
A half-million-dollar effort to snuff out the Hare Krishna Movement.
ISKCON Food Relief workers are providing meals for thousands. The food is called prasada, “the Lord’s mercy,” since it is offered to Lord Krsna. A team of volunteers works adjacent to the ISKCON center and each evening people come for steaming bowls of a Kenyan staple.
After California voters passed Proposition 13 and cut back state property taxes by seven billion dollars, the Los Angeles county government responded to the taxpayers’ revolt by announcing plans to reduce spending on public services like libraries and schools.
If there is no ideal class of men, if the brain is not in order, then any amount of education or organization you do will be unsuccessful. The United Nations is an organization for all human society, but they have no department which can actually be called the brain organization.
I’m afraid I’m a rather materialistic person. I want a compatible mate, a reasonable amount of money, healthy children, and things like that. Can I still chant Hare Krsna? I’ve read about plants responding to sound. If you chant Hare Krsna, does it have any effect on them?