BACK TO GODHEAD is the monthly journal of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. When Srila Prabhupada began the Society (in New York City, in 1966), he put into writing the purposes he wanted it to achieve. They are as follows: 1. To systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large and to educate all […]
Vrndavana, India, the land of Krishna five thousand years after the disappearance of the Supreme Person, is invaded by eighty American and European disciples of Srila Prabhupada. The white and saffron robed pilgrims arrive in Vrndavana for Karttika, a celebration of Krishna’s rasa dance with the cowherd girls
Simply by eager aural reception of Bhagavatam, the candidate for understanding transcendental knowledge becomes qualified to realize the Absolute Truth to full capacity. If one submits to the Absolute Truth he can know the Absolute Truth.
Krishna wants us to eat only food offered first in sacrifice to Him: “The devotees of the Lord are released from all sins because they eat food which is offered first for sacrifice. Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin.”
Bhakti is as much a science as physics, chemistry or any other science. It is based on observation and experiment, and its results are capable of verification. But bhakti is a transcendental science, and its experiments are of a different nature.
The word Govinda refers to one who gives pleasure to the cows and the senses. There are many incarnations of Godhead, but Govinda is the adi-purusa, or the original person. As such He is not technically an incarnation of God but is God Himself.
Krishna used to break the butter pots of His foster mother Yasoda and distribute to His friends. Out of pure love Yasoda decided to punish her transcendental son, and she took a rope and threatened to tie up the Lord
Americans tend to scorn India’s recent national ban on cow slaughter. We have difficulty appreciating the Hindus’ view that the cows are holy, and most Americans have little knowledge of how a rural economy like India’s is dependent on the life of the cow and her by-products.
We inhabitants of earth are quite likely the only civilized beings in our galaxy. So contends a scientific study that recently won front-page attention in the “Science” section of the New York Times.
Most of the Bowery’s 7,600 homeless men slept in lodging houses that required them to vacate the rooms during the day. Having nowhere else to go and nothing else to do, they would loiter on the street—standing silently on the sidewalks, leaning against walls, or shuffling slowly along.
Queen Elizabeth II bows slightly to receive a garland worn earlier by the Krsna Deity at London’s ISKCON center. Making the presentation is eight ·year-old Bhaktimati dasi.
Hare Krsna devotees from Denver started ISKCON’s fifteenth farm community, a 340-acre spread atop Sunshine Mesa and overlooking the Peonia-Hotchkiss fruit valley, on the western slope of the Colorado Rockies.
History’s fair-haired flower children have passed … and in their place comes a changeling generation that may be the most disturbed and demoralized in this century.
We grabbed the chariot ropes and pulled Krsna, and He pulled us along with Him. Krsna’s chariot rolled on and on, and the waves of chanting and feeling rolled in and in, deeper and deeper. Hare Krsna,
We are all in the womb of the Age of Kali, a historical age in which the faults of society and the individual are like a great ocean. Who has not experienced this current phenomenon? To some extent we are all implicated.
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is a movement aiming at the spiritual reorientation of mankind through the simple process of chanting the holy names of God.
Illusioned materialists who think the Supreme Personality of Godhead an ordinary person , transcendentalists intent upon His impersonal aspect, and even devotees who accept Him as their master cannot understand.
In spite of working so hard, there is frustration. No one is satisfied. We are always wondering what danger is coming next. This is material life: You work very hard, so hard, and still you feel frustration and are always fearful, and then one day you die.
The Krishna consciousness movement can help Africa develop in an atmosphere of peaceful cooperation and harmony, beyond racial or territorial conflicts caused by lack of true spiritual understanding.