Back To Godhead January 1986 PDF Download

When the eastern horizon became tinged with the redness of the rising sun, Lord Caitanya journeyed through Navadvipa and called out to the sleeping souls, “Wake up! Take shelter of the holy name of Krsna!

Upon Him I Meditate

I meditate upon that eternally effulgent Lord who is directly and indirectly conscious of all manifestations and yet is beyond them. It is He only who first imparted Vedic knowledge unto the heart of Brahma, the first created being.

Back to Godhead Vol 55, 1973 PDF Download

Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, picked up Govardhana Hill with one hand, exactly as a child picks up a mushroom, to save the residents of Vrndavana from devastating rainfall.


Tap into the reservoir of pleasure. By chanting the names of God, you’ll immediately be in touch with the source of all pleasure. The name Krsna means the all-attractive person, and Rama means the supreme pleasure. Hare is the form of addressing Hara, God’s devotional energy, to whom we pray to be engaged in the Lord’s service.

Milk — Liquid Religiosity

Milk has been famous as a storehouse of nutrients since long before the health-oriented 1980’s began. Didn’t your mother tell you that the minerals in milk help build strong bones and teeth?

Knowledge? — Letters

Jnana is “book knowledge” or “theory” because it entails the renunciation of all work, the suppression of the senses, and the rejection of the world as false. Vijnana is realized knowledge because it does not come about by mental speculation and the cessation of actions but rather by engagement in active devotional service.

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