Nonmechanistic Science

Nonmechanistic Science

Science conceives the brain to be the seat of all mental functions. According to Bhagavad-gita, however, the mind has an additional component (known in Sanskrit as manah, or “material mind”) that is distinct from both the brain and the conscious self.

Two Faces of Krsna

“Time I am, destroyer of worlds.” These were Lord Krsna’s words to His personal friend and devotee Arjuna, who had been filled with awe upon seeing the Lord’s visva-rupa, His all-powerful universal form.

The Yoga Dictionary

The Sanskrit language is rich in words to communicate ideas about spiritual life, yoga, and Cod realization. This dictionary, appearing by installments in back to godhead, will focus upon the most important of these words.

100,000 Attend Ratha-yatra in L.A.

100,000 Attend Ratha-yatra in L.A.

This summer a record 100,000 people took part in the fifth annual Hare Krsna Ratha-yatra Festival of the Chariots at Venice Beach, California—the largest such festival in the Western Hemisphere.

Sankirtana — The Perfection of Glorifying God

Sankirtana — The Perfection of Glorifying God

Among all the practices of the Hare Krsna movement, the most prominent is the public chanting of God’s names, ecstatic dancing, and playing of musical instruments—a spontaneous street liturgy common in most major cities throughout the world.

Letters — Is Hare Krishna a destructive cult?

In Washington, D.C., on August 20th, a call-in radio show hosted Jean Merritt, who says that the Hare Krsna movement is a “destructive cult” with dubious religious status whose members are taught not to think for themselves.

The Experience of Dying

For the successful transcendentalist entering the spiritual world, death is a glorious experience. For the sinful person, however, death is ultimately a painful and horrifying passage into a hellish life of suffering.

Lord Krsna’s Cuisine

Lord Krsna’s Cuisine

A vegetarian cookbook by Yamuna-devi dasi. A disciple of Prabhupada for fifteen years, Yamuna learned many recipes directly from him. In addition, she spent four years in India studying the techniques and ingredients involved in Krsna conscious cooking.

Mayor Praises Vancouver Ratha-yatra

Mayor Praises Vancouver Ratha-yatra

The Ratha-yatra Festival of the Chariots, celebrated here annually for the last five years by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, has apparently won the hearts of British Columbia’s officialdom.

The Arts and Krishna

The Arts and Krishna

When I met devotees of Lord Krsna for the first time, in 1969, I still believed that art could change the world without recourse to transcendent realities.

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