The Self Outside The Boundaries of Time
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Not this Body, ~Featured~

The pure consciousness, the soul, does not need to have a material body. For instance, when you are dreaming, you forget your present body, but still you remain conscious.
Prabhupada’s Palace—”It Looks Like Heaven”
By Jagajivana dasa on Temples, ~Featured~

We didn’t have, any kind of professionally drawn architectural plan. It’s not a matter of what inspired the Palace. It’s a matter of who inspired the Palace. That was His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Seeing Technology in a Spiritual Light
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Philosophy

you can use the car for reaching people with the message of Krsna consciousness. You can use everything for Krsna. That is what we teach. If there is a nice car, why should I condemn it? Utilize it for Krsna: then it is all right.
Prabhupada’s Palace — “A Beautiful Setting for a Diamond”
By Kirtanananda Swami on Temples, ~Featured~

As we began to work on Prabhupada’s home, it began to take on the shape of a palace. This was not the original conception—the original idea was rather modest.
Pope Receives Bhagavad-gita As It Is — Every Town and Village
By BTG Editors on Religion

His Holiness Pope John Paul II received a copy of Bhagavad-gita AS IT IS, the scripture that sets forth the basic philosophy of the Krsna consciousness movement.
Varnasrama — The Anatomy of the Social Body
By Mathuresa Dasa on Varnasrama

The Vedic scriptures, the oldest scriptures known to man, describe four principal classes. These are (1) an intelligent class (brahmanas), (2) a martial or administrative class (ksatriyas), (3) a mercantile class (vaisyas), and (4) a laborer class (sudras).
Exposure to the “Cold Cruel World”
By Bhurijana dasa on Religion, ~Featured~

Gurukula, “the school of the guru,” has no equivalent in Western education. It is all at once a place of spiritual formation, character development, academics, and vocational training.
Vedic cuisine — The Taste of Another World
By BTG Editors on Religion, Temples

Delicious, traditional Vedic cuisine was part of the legacy Krsna consciousness brought to Western shores. Eating, like everything else for Krsna devotees, is a part of the complete spiritual experience of life.
Srila Prabhupada Moves to Second Avenue, NYC
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Prabhupada Memories, ~Featured~

In the early summer of 1966, Srila Prabhupada was sharing a Bowery loft with a young American friend. But when the boy went crazy on drugs and drove him out, suddenly Prabhupada found himself in the street, homeless and alone.
India Diary — Notes from the Editor
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Holy Places

I remember Lord Krsna standing by the banks of the Yamuna River, so beautiful amidst the kadamba trees, where many birds are chirping in the gardens. And these impressions are always giving me transcendental bliss.