Overpopulation—A Popular Myth

Social scientists from around the world gathered in Mexico City last August to discuss the alarming growth of the world’s population.
By Mathuresa Dasa on Society
Social scientists from around the world gathered in Mexico City last August to discuss the alarming growth of the world’s population.
By Kundali dasa on ~Featured~, Philosophy
The philosophical question of fate versus free will is an old one. Are our thoughts and actions completely determined by forces over which we have no control? Or, are we free to decide for ourselves, to be the captains of our fate?
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Society
Kali-yuga is a fallen age, the age of hypocrisy and quarrel. In Kali-yuga the basic principles of religion are abandoned, the government is ruled by the lowest class of men, and society lives on the basis of animal life.
By Hayagriva dasa on Religion
Even a quick reading of the Bible will show that sankirtana was very much present indeed amongst the ancient Jews and early Christians and that it was certainly stressed by one of the Bible’s major figures—David.
By Drutakarma dasa on Abortion
Considering the overwhelming instinct of humans to protect children once they are born, it is hard to see why abortion is tolerated. Part of the reason seems to lie in the fact that many people do not see abortion as killing.
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Religion
Many conflicts around the world are being billed as “religious wars.” Fighting between the Sikhs and Hindus in India, Christians and Moslems in Beirut, Moslem sects of Iran and Iraq, and Protestants and Catholics of Northern Ireland—all seem to have roots in religious conflict.
By Brahma-muhurta dasa on ~Featured~, Death
My sister called and told me, “Dad has cancer, and the doctors say he has, at most, six months to live.” I was shocked. It was totally unexpected, as he was only sixty and quite fit for his age.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Society, ~Featured~
Here is happiness: one must approach Krsna. Otherwise, it will end in LSD—confusion and roaming in impersonal void concepts. People are frustrated. They must be frustrated if they do not have genuine spiritual life because a person is spiritual by nature.
By Madhudvisa dasa on ~Featured~, Philosophy
In recent years there have been many philosophies based around the premise of the nonexistence of God. One such philosophy, existentialism, which emerged in a shattered France during World War II, maintains that the universe is purposeless and that there is no supreme controller.
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Philosophy
I have strong evidence to support the fact that there is no happiness in the material world and I have equally strong evidence to prove that any human being can achieve total, lasting happiness in this lifetime.
By Tamal Krishna Gosvami on Religion
A conversation between Tamal Krishna Goswami, one of the spiritual masters of the Hare Krsna movement, and Cardinal Jaime Sin, Archbishop of Manila.
By Damodara dasa on War, ~Featured~
War is inevitable: an eye for an eye, dog eat dog, kill or be killed. Human history is a history of wars. Lust, anger and greed run amok in our minds, and for the sake of power and increased facilities for sense gratification, we become less than the animals.
By Ramesvara Swami on ~Featured~, Peace
We have been forced to think about nuclear war. Our leaders have tried to convince us that there is really nothing to worry about, because they have this wonderful materialistic formula that prevents nuclear war by making it too horrible.
By BTG Editors on Society
Television cameras zoom in as the young athlete thrusts his arms upwards in triumph. Perspiration mixes with tears, and thousands roar with appreciation. The atmosphere is surcharged, and time itself seems to pause in honor of the jubilant occasion.
By BTG Editors on ~Featured~, Peace
The great mistake of modern civilization is to encroach upon other’s property as though it were one’s own, and to thereby create an unnecessary disturbance of the laws of nature.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Sinful Activities, ~Featured~
We are trying to spread Krsna consciousness, but it is a very difficult task because people are so much addicted to material enjoyment. Generally, they do not like this Krsna consciousness movement, although reviving our Krsna consciousness is the ultimate goal of human life.
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Society
Learning how to cope with stress in daily life is not a newly discovered gift from modern psychologists. Mental illnesses from anxiety, as well as expert cures for stress, are as old as humanity itself.
By Kundali dasa on ~Featured~, Philosophy
A frequent criticism of the Krsna consciousness philosophical tradition is that it places too much emphasis on authority. This is not surprising, seeing as how philosophy in the modern world is based on a revolt against authority.
By Satyaraja dasa on Government & Politics
For nearly two hundred years, the U.S. Congress has begun its daily deliberations with prayer. Out of 100 Senators, perhaps five show up each morning. Of those who do show up, virtually none come for the prayer.
By Subala dasa Swami on Sex
Maya, the illusory material nature, is duping people into accepting lust in place of love. Lust is what traps the living entities, who are spiritual by nature, in this material world.